Openscapes / 2023-fred-hutch

Openscapes Champions Cohort for the Fred Hutch Cancer Center
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03 Call Digest [ 2023-fred-hutch ] #11

Open stefaniebutland opened 1 year ago

stefaniebutland commented 1 year ago

Hi @Openscapes/2023-fred-hutch-cohort !

Our Cohort Call 03 on Tuesday felt great. You all shared so many valuable reflections in the doc and discussions. I's clear that as a group you have ideas and approaches that can help each other! Below is a light digest of Call 03 with a reminder of tasks for next time.

Here's our gorgeous Zoomie. We'll take another in Call 4 so Sean Kross can join. 

ChampionsCohort_Zoom   2023-fred-hutch

Monica asked if/how people use Fred Hutch's Biomedical Data Science Wiki and we screenshared an example from the Data Science Lab Resource Library on De-identification of Structured Data. Sita is looking for communal resources (Fred Hutch or other public sources) for what's good / what are the rules for different types of data like single-cell or genomic data and they've agreed to connect about getting something on this into the Wiki! This is a great example of something that anyone join in on during Coworking. 

We're moving our optional Coworking time to Thursdays (Oct 5 & 19) 10:00 - 11:00 am, based on a vote during the Call. Look for a Google Calendar invite today.

Need to review material? Agendas and recordings for every call, plus a folder with a Pathway template, can all be found in Openscapes_CohortCalls [ 2023-fred-hutch ]. Hard to access with your Hutch email? Let us know an alternative and we'll share with it.

Happy Thursday,

Stef, Julie, Sean, Monica, Liz

Digest: Cohort Call 03 [ 2023-fred-hutch ]

Openscapes_CohortCalls [ 2023-fred-hutch ] Google folder - contains agendas, recordings, pathways - Cohort website

Goals: We discussed team culture and data strategies for future us

Tasks: please see the Agenda doc (under Closing) for details and links

  1. Have a Seaside Chat (meet with your team) & continue your Pathway work, shifting to "Next Steps", think about onboarding/offboarding
  2. (optional) Attend Coworking. We're moving our optional Coworking time to Thursdays (Oct 5 & 19) 10:00 - 11:00 am. Come prepared to get your own work done, ask questions, or listen in to other conversations. You could also use the time to hold your team Seaside Chat.

Slide Decks:

A few lines from shared notes in the Agenda doc