Openscapes / 2024-epa

Website for the Openscapes EPA 2024 Cohort
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03 Call Digest #18

Open stefaniebutland opened 1 month ago

stefaniebutland commented 1 month ago

Hi @Openscapes/2024-epa-cohort!

Thank you to Aneese Williams, Environmental Management Systems Coordinator for the City of West Palm Beach, FL for guest-teaching Data Strategies this week.

You all shared so many valuable reflections in the doc and discussions; and we appreciated the thoughtfulness around connecting within diverse and changing teams. We discussed open-ended questions and designed alliances as strategies to build psychological safety. Below is a light digest of Call 03 with a reminder of tasks for next time.

Here's our Zoomie! 😁 đŸ‘‹đŸŒ

ZoomieOpenscapesChampions   2024-epa

The concept of “tidy data” resonated with people! This very short post, the Tidy Data Illustrated Series (Lowndes & Horst) is a deeper walk-through. For some, the concept was new, while others were already using this strategy but didn’t have a name for it. That’s so valuable for communicating about and advocating for your work.

Don’t hesitate to speak up when you hear what sounds like jargon or you’d like an explanation of something we share in a lesson. The question you ask is likely on the minds of some of your colleagues too!

Hope to see you at Coworking on May 16th

Stef, Julie, Gayle, Jeff, Farnaz, Mike

Digest: Cohort Call 03 [ 2024-epa ]

Openscapes_CohortCalls [ 2024-epa ] folder - contains agendas, recordings, pathways cohort webpage

Goals: We discussed team culture and data strategies for future us.

Tasks: please see the Agenda doc (under Closing) for details

Slide Decks:

A few lines from shared notes in the Agenda doc