Openworx / backend_theme

Odoo Backend Theme
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Company name or logo? #24

Closed melroy89 closed 6 years ago

melroy89 commented 6 years ago

The default template shows atleast the picture, so you know in which administration you are working.

But with this theme you don't have any hint. See before and after back-end theme v10 installation.

Before: before

After: after

Is it a good idea to add the company name or something?

Kind regards, Melroy

mgielissen commented 6 years ago

Odoo Enterprise doesn't have a company logo also ;) In a new version there will be a app side bar with logo above.

melroy89 commented 6 years ago

Ow ;D

mgielissen commented 6 years ago

The latest version has now a company logo in the app dashboard.

melroy89 commented 6 years ago

So I download the latest version to my addons directory and I get: 2017-10-02 00:23:48,033 18113 ERROR odoo odoo.modules.graph: module backend_theme_v10: Unmet dependencies: web_responsive


Meaning the web interface was blocked. And I couldn't install this missing dependency.

So I though I download this module as well (web_responsive) and try to install it via CLI (odoo -i web_responsive). That apparently didn't work either (it didn't install it, but keeps reporting about the missing module during startup). So I reverted back to the old theme version.

I tried to install it web_responsive via the web interface again, and I get:

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/odoo/addons/base/ir/", line 380, in write
    return super(View, self).write(self._compute_defaults(vals))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/odoo/", line 3560, in write
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/odoo/", line 3711, in _write
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/odoo/", line 1083, in _validate_fields
    raise ValidationError("%s\n\n%s" % (_("Error while validating constraint"), tools.ustr(e)))
ParseError: "Fout bij bevestigen beperking

Element '<xpath expr="//nav[@id='oe_main_menu_navbar']">' kan niet worden gevonden in de bovenliggende weergave

Fout context:
Weergave`App Drawer - Web Client`
[view_id: 647, xml_id: n/b, model: n/b, parent_id: 173]
None" while parsing None:13, near
<data inherit_id="web.webclient_bootstrap" name="App Drawer - Web Client">

Using the default template/theme it works. It's unrelated to the plugin itself (web_reponsive), but using the default theme I could install first the web_responsive plugin and then your theme again.

mgielissen commented 6 years ago

Web_responsive is now a depency in the new version. Place this also in the addons and update the theme.