OperationNT414C / CtrBootManager

A 3ds "bootloader" like app
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Gateway is not supported #3

Closed Monotek18 closed 8 years ago

Monotek18 commented 8 years ago

Since the A9LH v2, the Gateway arm9loaderhax is not longer supported. Is there a way to fix that ? Because bootctr9 support the Gateway bin file with the A9LH v2

OperationNT414C commented 8 years ago

Hello Monotek18,

I already had a report about unsupported Gateway arm9loaderhax but without any more precision. Is it when CtrBootManager9 tries to boot "arm9loaderhax.bin" from Gateway or is it when "arm9loaderhax.bin" from Gateway boots CtrBootManager9?

If you tell me the issue is since V2 version, it should be due to screeninit feature. The following version disables screen init: CtrBootManager9_2.0.0_NoScreenInit.zip I don't have Gateway and I don't wish to install this team code on my 3DS (due to some brick rumors). Can you please try this version and report me if it works ?

Thank you for your help !

Monotek18 commented 8 years ago

Ok thanks I'll try it tomorrow I have tried with no "noscreeninit" and with the "screeninit", but same result. And it's when CtrBootManager9 try to boot the Gateway "arm9loaderhax.bin"

PS: It will not brick your 3ds if you don't use the DSTWO+ (gateway clone) with the Gateway Launcher.dat ;)

JustForNothing commented 8 years ago

I say it also here: "CtrBootManager9_2.0.0_NoScreenInit.zip" doesn't work with Gateway PS: Only bootctr9 can boot it, I don't know why

OperationNT414C commented 8 years ago

Ok, thank you for your test, just to be sure, here is the first unofficial CtrBootManager V1: CtrBootManager9_V1src_AlphaHighlight.zip

Can you report if this first version works? (it was very sensitive if there was no configuration file)

When you say only BootCtr9 can boot it, did you also try BootAnim9 or Luma3DS (with Gateway "arm9loaderhax.bin" as a payload inside "/luma/payloads/start_Gateway.bin")?

JustForNothing commented 8 years ago

No it doesn't work too. With bootctr9, I have Gateway.bin in "/luma/payloads/Gateway.bin" I have this payload in default

OperationNT414C commented 8 years ago

Today, I just try to boot Gateway "arm9loaderhax.bin" given on this topic: https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-using-luma3ds-with-gateway-on-v2-a9lh.431691/

But when I try to start it with Luma3DS, it simply shutdown my 3DS (no crash, just a power off). I have the exact same behavior with CtrBootManager9 so I would say there is no error in CtrBootManager binary load :-). However, if I truly wish to start Gateway, I think I don't have a valid "Launcher.dat". Where could I find it? I also tried the one given in "http://www.gateway-3ds.com/" for non-GW users, this one crashes when it is loaded as a Luma3DS payload (of course, same behavior with CtrBootManager9).

JustForNothing commented 8 years ago

I have tried this arm9loaderhax.bin, but it work as an "arm9loaderhax.bin", but not with ctrbootmanager9 You can find the Launcher.dat here http://www.gateway-3ds.com/downloads/

And yes it give me black screen in all the way. But only bootctr9 can boot it :(

Monotek18 commented 8 years ago

problem fixed

OperationNT414C commented 8 years ago

Hello Monotek18, Can you be more specific about this "problem fixed"? I didn't change anything in CtrBootManager for Gateway so I would like to have your experience for other users (maybe Gateway version to use). Thank you for your help!

Monotek18 commented 8 years ago

Well, just a stupid error Before I tried offset=12000 with the official Gateway arm9loaderhax.bin And I didn't change it. I change it to offset =0 with the unofficial Gateway arm9loaderhax.bin, and it worked haha, what a stupid mistake

OperationNT414C commented 8 years ago

Ok, thank you for this report. By "unofficial", do you mean this one? https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-using-luma3ds-with-gateway-on-v2-a9lh.431691/ If it is this one, did you use the "Gateway Logo" or "No Gateway Logo" version?

Monotek18 commented 8 years ago

Yes it's this one, with the Gateway logo.

(PS: It's possible to add a function to change the brightness when I boot with ctrbootmanager9 ?)

OperationNT414C commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your clarification. I will try to add a brightness setting feature when I have some time (already have the screen init code so it won't be very hard to add brightness). I am thinking about something like this in the config file to setup it:

Monotek18 commented 8 years ago

Well thanks again

Anyway I think this issue can now be closed :)