OpherV / gitflow4idea

Git Flow Integration plugin for IntelliJ
Apache License 2.0
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Unsupported Git Flow version #302

Closed SKProCH closed 4 years ago

SKProCH commented 4 years ago
  1. Open Rider
  2. image
  3. Profit

    • Gitflow4idea version: 0.7.2

    • Gitflow version: 1.12.3 (AVH Edition)

    • JetBrains Rider 2020.1.1 Build #RD-201.6668.201, built on April 28, 2020 Runtime version: 11.0.6+8-b765.25 amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o .NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000 Windows 10 10.0

This message began to appear after updating the plugin on the latest version. image

driici commented 4 years ago

HI. same with PhpStorm 2020.1.1 Build #PS-201.7223.96, built on April 30, 2020 Also it works on some of my repositories (all with same origin server, different creation dates). I have also tried to clone repo to new directory; however it didnt help either.

OpherV commented 4 years ago

@SKProCH @driici can you check if it's the same issue like #299 ?

driici commented 4 years ago

@SKProCH @driici can you check if it's the same issue like #299 ?

copying misc.xml from other project wokerd for me. Sorry, did not find that isssue earlier. But from content of misc.xml there is no specific configuration for my current project and for git flow neither. I think at least change of message will be in order, since old CLI is different case, than missing some XML; PHPStorm creates some xml files in .idea only if they are needed. So if there is nothing to write to misc.xml it does not exists.

OpherV commented 4 years ago

@driici oh it's definitely a bug - it shouldn't happen at all :) I'll try and tackle it for next version but in the meanwhile this is a solution so that you're not stuck.

driici commented 4 years ago

@OpherV Thank you very much!

targzeta commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. The file .idea/misc.xml doesn't exists and I have no idea what to write to.

If I simply "touch" the file, the plugin shows 'No Gitflow'. The 'Init Repo' option do nothing.

This is is a Perl project. The .git/config says:

[branch "master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/master
[branch "develop"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/develop
[gitflow "branch"]
        master = master
        develop = develop
[gitflow "prefix"]
        feature = feature/
        release = release/
        hotfix = hotfix/
        support = support/
        versiontag = 
[branch "release/1.5.0"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/release/1.5.0

and here:

$> git flow version 
1.12.4-dev0 (AVH Edition)

Best regards, Emanuele

OpherV commented 4 years ago

@targzeta remove this:

[gitflow "branch"]
        master = master
        develop = develop
[gitflow "prefix"]
        feature = feature/
        release = release/
        hotfix = hotfix/
        support = support/
        versiontag = 

Re-init gitflow. It should sort it out

SKProCH commented 4 years ago

Yes, for me this problem is identical to that described in #299. I copied misc.xml from the newly created project. But why is this happening and how to fix it automatically?

targzeta commented 4 years ago

@targzeta remove this:

[gitflow "branch"]
        master = master
        develop = develop
[gitflow "prefix"]
        feature = feature/
        release = release/
        hotfix = hotfix/
        support = support/
        versiontag = 

Re-init gitflow. It should sort it out

It works if:

Is it possible to make it works also without misc.xml file?

Thank you in advance, Emanuele

OpherV commented 4 years ago

@targzeta of course. A fix is planned for next version

OpherV commented 4 years ago

Fix in 0.7.3 now out