OpherV / gitflow4idea

Git Flow Integration plugin for IntelliJ
Apache License 2.0
504 stars 138 forks source link

2021.3 Compatibility #342

Open nnrudakov opened 2 years ago

nnrudakov commented 2 years ago

This issue just for notify of compatibility done.

We are all patiently waiting for...

AntiGuideAkquinet commented 2 years ago

I couldn't find any incompatible API usages via the GitHub search. Updating sinceBuild and untilBuild in build.gradle might be enough. Great work on the plugin by the way. I use it on a daily basis 🙂

homburgs commented 2 years ago

Here is already a pull request for that reason


banagale commented 2 years ago

Note, I put a .jar for download in this PR comment if anyone is really needing this now.

SantjagoCorkez commented 2 years ago


Sorry, guys, I've done my best to try to avoid continuous plugins version bumping.

banagale commented 2 years ago

@SantjagoCorkez thank you for trying. it is jetbrains’ choice to deal with this or other issues related to plugins.

there is a different issue in handling .env files that should be built into the IDE but the company has thus far refused to address.

Plugins, particularly community provided ones and how they are incorporated into IDE cores will probably going to be the single most important point of competition between IntelliJ and its children and vscode.

DarrenBishop commented 2 years ago

Here is already a pull request for that reason #343

@homburgs you've seen @OpherV's PR comments presumably?

OpherV commented 2 years ago

Bear with me a new version will be out soon

smbarbour commented 2 years ago

It seems like this comment from the YouTrack issue would be particularly apt for this: "Alternatively, they may even decide to specify no until-build so the plugin will be available in any later released IDE version(s) - until incompatibilities are detected and the until-build is limited manually on JetBrains Marketplace to prevent further problems for users."

wxy8866 commented 2 years ago

Any good news or workaround, please?

banagale commented 2 years ago

Any good news or workaround, please?

I put a workaround jar Here .

CC007 commented 2 years ago

2021.3.1 is now out as well, so prob want to take that into account when releasing the next version.

wxy8866 commented 2 years ago

Will it be resovled?

rinodrummer commented 2 years ago

Any update?

wxy8866 commented 2 years ago

Please specify whether this plugin is out of maintenance.

CC007 commented 2 years ago

This feels like something that is core enough to the git workflow that I feel like IntelliJ should adopt and update this plugin, just like they did with the Lombok plugin in 2020.3. That way they could also make sure that it's up-to-date with the latest IntelliJ version.

wxy8866 commented 2 years ago

How to push Jetbrain to adopt this excellent plugin to be the native bundled? Let's do it.

banagale commented 2 years ago

I like the idea, but from my experience, feature requests around incorporating plugins into the IDE are very challenging to get traction on.

A good example is PY-5543 , which has over 170 votes, 5 duplicates and goes back to 2014.

PY-5543 is arguably far less complicated feature, requiring a check box and perhaps a file path widget.

But it still is not being acted on by JB.

It is okay if the maintainer of this library is unable to keep up given the reasonable standards they have.

However, perhaps this project should be forked and maintained using lower standards. What I mean is, it presumes IDE changes are not breaking the plug-in’s behavior.

The main reason the maintainer insists on updating this with each release is to reduce the likelihood that this plug-in causes accidental loss of work.

That said, Pycharm and afaik, all of the Jetbrains IDEs have Local History, which is like a temporary cache of file changes independent of Git. So it is reasonable to consider if this is enough of a safety net in of itself.

I wouldn’t want to bet a full day of work on Local History, but the convenience of this macro is very high.

AntiGuideAkquinet commented 2 years ago

In the meantime you can use Git Flow Integration Plus which is a fork of this plugin.

nnrudakov commented 2 years ago

In the meantime you can use Git Flow Integration Plus which is a fork of this plugin.

I don't know Java well. Has anyone looked this repo through? Non-latin letters in public repo, rare commits...

banagale commented 2 years ago

The mere presence of non-latin letters in a public repo should not create suspicion but that this is a concern at all draws attention to why JetBrains should make an effort to bring this and other popular plugins (that have maintenance problems due to versioning) into the core product suite.

It is a security issue, and this and PY-5543 deserve to be controlled and validated by the company's internal security auditing.

Separately, it is not very challenging to build this plugin using IntelliJ IDEA CE. If you are concerned at all, just make the version changes, build and manually install. See info / links I provided here.

SantjagoCorkez commented 2 years ago

Checking the repo. Found:

So far: there's no a single feature implemented (though stated in README). The only difference to current project: minVersions/maxVersions bumping up and dropping down here and there, some cosmetic fixes in IDEA's interfaces which do not seem critical. And 2 binary uploads of gradle JAR.


diesl commented 2 years ago

Hi @OpherV, it would be really helpful if you could write at least a short comment to give us an update of the current status of this project.

Many people rely on your great plugin, and it would be sad to see this project becoming a zombie, without any clear notice.

CC007 commented 2 years ago

I hope that they weren't a victim of the pandemic.

SantjagoCorkez commented 2 years ago


No, the owner is still alive and active. Seems he just got tired of Intellij'es versioning and lost interest to this project.

tknarr-starbucks commented 2 years ago

Added PR #345 fixing the indentation from @homburgs PR and updating the version number

code2prog commented 2 years ago

Maybe someone should make a fork of this project and develop it? It would be nice if the current author wrote what is the current status of this project

tumb1er commented 2 years ago

Maybe someone should make a fork of this project and develop it?

There is a fork already https://github.com/RubinCarter/gitflow4idea-plus

wxy8866 commented 2 years ago

Any solution?

rafa761 commented 2 years ago

For now I think the solution is migrate to https://github.com/RubinCarter/gitflow4idea-plus