Opsoy0 / lab-starter

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antcode #2

Open Opsoy0 opened 5 years ago

Opsoy0 commented 5 years ago

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""" Created on @author: Opsoy0 This code will produce a bloack-diagonal Hamiltonian for translationally invariant Liouvillians, while the quantum jumps will be out-of diagonal. We also consider a code for generic Z_n symmetry, where we stress that any U(1) symmetry reduces to some Z_n once it has been represented on a cutoff basis. """ from qutip import * import numpy as np import scipy as sc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time

The idea is to define the symmetries using strings. therefore, the first

simmetry which we define is the translational one

example: given the string '001', it will return '010'

def traslation(string): traslated_string = string[1:] + string[0] return traslated_string

Here we define the function write_state_as_number. Given a Hilbert space,

we enumerate them with a index. The function np.base_repr(number, base)

return a string representation of a number in the given base system.

This is equivalent to writing in the "number" basis our states.

For example, in a system of two spin, the size of the basis of the Hilbert

space is 4. We will create the following association:

0 -> '00', 1-> '01', 2-> '10', 3 -> 11.

def write_state_as_number(index, N_max, lattice_size): state = np.base_repr(index, N_max) for j in range(len(state),lattice_size): state = '0' + state return state

This function instead writes the string as an array, given the string as input.

def string_to_array(string): return [int(j) for j in string]

Here we use only the translational invariance. Clearely, more complex simmetries

can be used (see e.g. the code below, where the Z_n) symmetry is implemented)

def find_representative_traslation(N_max, lattice_size):

this is the number of element in the basis

list_of_numbers = list(range(N_max**lattice_size))

#this is the list which needs to be checked: if the number is zero it means
#that the state corresponding to that number is the translation of another one
list_to_check = np.ones(N_max**lattice_size)

#create the list of representative
representative = []

#cycle in the number of elements
for i in range(N_max**lattice_size):
    #check if that element is the traslation of another state
    if list_to_check[i] != 0:
        #if it is not, you eliminate all the state which can be obtained 
        #by translation 
        state = write_state_as_number(list_of_numbers[i], N_max,lattice_size)
        list_to_check[i] = 0
        # we start translating, but we check if the system is already an 
        # eigenstate              
        state_traslated = traslation(state)
        if state_traslated != state:
            number=np.sum([int(state_traslated[i])*N_max**(lattice_size - i - 1) for i in range(lattice_size)])
            list_to_check[number] = 0
            for j in range(1, lattice_size - 1):
                state_traslated = traslation(state_traslated)
                number = np.sum([int(state_traslated[i])*N_max**(lattice_size - i - 1) for i in range(lattice_size)])
                list_to_check[number] = 0

here we use both the translational invariance and a Z_n symmetry

def find_representative_traslation_and_Zn(N_max, lattice_size, Z_n): symmetry_dimension = Z_n list_of_numbers = list(range(N_maxlattice_size)) list_to_check = np.ones(N_maxlattice_size)

#create the list of representative of each Z_n sector
representative = []

#build a symmetry sector with conserved number of particles
for j in range(symmetry_dimension):

#do the same as before, but this time divide in the symetry sector of Zn
for i in range(N_max**lattice_size):
    if list_to_check[i] !=0:
        state = write_state_as_number(list_of_numbers[i], N_max,lattice_size)
        list_to_check[i] = 0
        sector_value = np.sum([int(state[i]) for i in range(lattice_size)])%symmetry_dimension
        state_traslated = traslation(state)

        if state_traslated != state:
            number = np.sum([int(state_traslated[i])*N_max**(lattice_size - i - 1) for i in range(lattice_size)])
            list_to_check[number] = 0
            for j in range(1, lattice_size - 1):
                state_traslated = traslation(state_traslated)
                number = np.sum([int(state_traslated[i])*N_max**(lattice_size - i - 1) for i in range(lattice_size)])
                list_to_check[number] = 0

having obtained the representatives we can construct the rotation matrix wich

block diagonalise the effective Hamiltonian

def rotation_matrix(N_max, lattice_size, representatives, return_size=1, return_Qobj=0, Hamiltonian_size=None):

if Hamiltonian_size == None:
    Hamiltonian_size = N_max**lattice_size

# initialise the matrix
rotation = 0*1.j*np.ones([N_max**lattice_size, N_max**lattice_size])

# build the structure of the basis element
basis_structure = tensor(basis(N_max,0), basis(N_max,0))
for j in range(2,lattice_size):
    basis_structure = tensor(basis_structure, basis(N_max,0))
basis_structure = 0*basis_structure

# list of the kappa for the translations
klist = [2*np.pi*m/lattice_size for m in range(lattice_size)]

#number of column of the rotation matrix

## we cycle on the representatives according to the previously imposed
# Z_n symmetry
sectors = []
for j in range(len(representatives)):     
    ## we go on the k space: each sector gets dived in lattice_size
    for k in klist:
        sector_dimension = 0
        ## for each state contained in the appropriate symmetyry sector,
        # we construct the basis in k-space
        for state in representatives[j]:
            vector = write_state_as_number(state, N_max,lattice_size)
            vector_numpy = 0*1.j*np.ones(N_max**lattice_size)
            ## Since qutip uses the Fock basis as the basis to build up
            # the Hilbert space, the presence of a state translates into
            # a 1 at position 'state'                 
            vector_numpy[state] = 1 
            # we now translate the vector and build the appropriate basis
            for position in range(1,lattice_size):
                vector = traslation(vector)
                number = np.sum([int(vector[nn])*N_max**(lattice_size - nn - 1) for nn in range(lattice_size)])
                vector_numpy[number] = vector_numpy[number] + np.exp(1.j*k*position)            
            #we check that the vector is non-zero (i.e. a good vector for 
            # the translation sector)
            if np.sum(np.abs(vector_numpy)) >= 0.5:
                rotation[index_of_rotation] = np.round(vector_numpy/np.sqrt(np.dot(np.conj(vector_numpy),vector_numpy)), 12)
                index_of_rotation = index_of_rotation + 1
                sector_dimension = sector_dimension + 1

if return_Qobj:
    rotation = Qobj(rotation, dims = Hamiltonian_size)
if return_size:
    return rotation, sectors
    return rotation

given the list of local operators, we build up the operators which are

translationally invariant

RMK: rotation must be a Qobj from qutip!!!

def build_appropriate_jumps(lattice_size,jump_operators, rotation):
klist = [2np.pim/lattice_size for m in range(lattice_size)] appropriate_jump_operators = []
for k in klist: appropriate_jump = jump_operators[0]/np.sqrt(lattice_size)

    for j in range(1,lattice_size):
        appropriate_jump = appropriate_jump + np.exp(1.j*k*j)*jump_operators[j]/np.sqrt(lattice_size)    
    appropriate_jump = rotation*appropriate_jump*rotation.dag()
return appropriate_jump_operators