OptimalBPM / angular-schema-form-dynamic-select

AngularStrap and AngularUI dynamic select implementation(static/sync/async/http, filters) for Angular Schema Form
MIT License
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Filter TitleMap with a constant string value #100

Open lollocavs opened 7 years ago

lollocavs commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have a unique TitleMap with this object structure $scope.titlepMap = [ { name : "nameItemX" , value : "valueItemX", group : "groupItemX" }, {...} ] Now, I want to use the same TitleMap in different Select Item filtering items by group.

Es. { key : "select1", type : strapselect, option : { filter = "item.group=='groupItem1'" }, titleMap : $scope.titleMap } and

{ key : "select2", type : strapselect, option : { filter = "item.group=='groupItem2'" }, titleMap : $scope.titleMap }

How can I do this?

Thanks in advance for helping me.

nicklasb commented 7 years ago

Doesn't that way work for you?

nicklasb commented 7 years ago

I am not sure what the question is. If you have a problem, please make a plunkr displaying the problem.