Optimus6128 / optidoom3do

A port/enhancement of the original Doom 3DO source code.
MIT License
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[REQUEST] future PC backporting? #2

Open Sol1vaN opened 1 month ago

Sol1vaN commented 1 month ago

Hi there!

great job optimizing this great 3do doom!

i've tested this in retroarch/opera kernel, with 50mhz oc, and i aproached 37~60fps with 1VLB frame max. it looks great.

but, can be plausible to release a backport for pc in the far away future? like PsyDoom? https://github.com/BodbDearg/PsyDoom/tree/master

it would be awesome to see this with stable fps rates (144fps for example) and possibility to use a mouse.

i know you approach is to try and change the rendering engine in the hopes of improving the very slow performance, but, wishing is for free, right? your job are incredible also, many thanks!


Optimus6128 commented 1 month ago

I have been thinking about it, it's possible at some point I will do the PC port by keeping the 3DO code as faithful as possible.

Recently I have been working on another 3DO game private project where I also started making a PC port that high level emulates certain 3DO API functions I use, while it also partially emulates the CEL renderer on an SDL2 surface. I could expand this by also trying to port OptiDoom 3DO on the same framework, then continue replacing the missing bits like more CEL functions I don't emulate yet or possible 3DO API functions called on OptiDoom 3DO (there is a lot in burger lib too I haven't touched and few assembly code I could replace with C versions).

That might take time though but it would be an equivalent of OptiDoom 3DO emulating the CEL instead of replacing rendering with other functions, which will be close to the original. Then I'll think of supporting mouse (OptiDoom actually does support the 3DO mouse) or higher framerates and possibly resolutions.

Sol1vaN commented 1 month ago

wow, looks promising all that you say about! 🤩

this era is great, many flaweless works have been released thanks to their source code, like mario64 pc port (well, not really source code, is leaked source code i think 😂), recently descent 3 source code and his Piccu Engine, of course, PsyDoom (reverse engineering), wipeout too! (reverse engineering). and now, doom 3do.

thanks for the quick response. i'll stay tunned! 😎👍

Sol1vaN commented 1 month ago

Hi there again!

For casual searching, i've discovered that the same guy from PsyDoom, already have been backed port the 3do doom, look: https://github.com/BodbDearg/phoenix_doom

Maybe some of this source code can help you to approarch your own backport? (sorry if i'm saying something bad, i don't know if this is legal to see the work of other develop, you know).

However, the problem that's backport have is about 3do doom internal render scale, at higher resolutions, it makes MUCH more slower, due to the demands of software rendering on the CPU.

Another thing that I've tryed, is loading your optidoom_v03.iso converting this to .img But it seems that PhoenixDoom backport only acept the original 3do doom. 😌

For other hand, seeing 3do doom runing smoothly (1280x800 only) and with smooth mouse support, is a great experience! There's many things to do on PhoenixDoom: -save game -mod support -change fov -support to 16/9 res