Optum / dce-cli

Disposable Cloud Environment CLI
Apache License 2.0
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Accept any tfvars #14

Open eschwartz opened 4 years ago

eschwartz commented 4 years ago

Would like to be able to configure terraform vars, outside those supplied by cli commands. I would also like to configure these in yaml, so I can more easily commit them as code to version control.

Maybe a dce.yaml that looks like:

    # can pass in any var supported by the DCE TF module.
     namespace: "local"
     budget_notification_emails: ["jdoe@example.com"]
joshmarsh commented 4 years ago

This looks like a better way to handle the TF vars than the current implementation which uses hardcoded CLI flags. If we did it this way, we wouldn't need to update the cli when the TF vars are modified.

Let's scrap the TF var flags altogether.