Optum / dce-cli

Disposable Cloud Environment CLI
Apache License 2.0
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Update dce.yml with backend configuration #16

Closed eschwartz closed 4 years ago

eschwartz commented 4 years ago

When creating a new TF state backend, the DCE CLI should commit the backend configuration to the dce.yml file. Otherwise, users won't be able to reuse that same backend configuration

As as user, I should be able to deploy the DCE TF module multiple times against the same state file. I should be able to commit my dce.yml config to version control, and allow others on my team to deploy against the same TF state.

See related #15

nathanagood commented 4 years ago

Will be resolved by issue #52 , where the local TF state is the default and will be persisted to a location (TBD) so it will not be lost between runs.