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openssl 1.02h missing commands #165

Closed PiotrC1 closed 7 years ago

PiotrC1 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to generate openvpn certificates using openssl and easy-rsa. During that I get:

openssl:Error: 'ca' is an invalid command.

Standard commands enc req rsa s_client speed version x509

Cipher commands (see the `enc' command for more details) aes-128-cbc aes-128-ecb aes-192-cbc aes-192-ecb aes-256-cbc aes-256-ecb bf-cbc bf-ecb

List of standard commands is rather short and doesn't contain ca.

alllexx88 commented 7 years ago

@PiotrC1 Sorry I've been really busy recently. This is a bug, and I'll look into it ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience

PiotrC1 commented 7 years ago

Absolutelly not a problem. Take your time. It's just for keeping optware-ng bug-free. I can do the task on any other Linux host, so it's not time critical.

alllexx88 commented 7 years ago

I think you're mistaking your firmware openssl for Optware one, since the latter has ca and many other standard commands:

[root@unknown root]$ /opt/bin/ipkg list-installed openssl
openssl - 1.0.2h-1
[root@unknown root]$ /opt/bin/openssl list-commands
openssl:Error: 'list-commands' is an invalid command.

Standard commands
asn1parse         ca                ciphers           cms
crl               crl2pkcs7         dgst              dh
dhparam           dsa               dsaparam          ec
ecparam           enc               engine            errstr
gendh             gendsa            genpkey           genrsa
nseq              ocsp              passwd            pkcs12
pkcs7             pkcs8             pkey              pkeyparam
pkeyutl           prime             rand              req
rsa               rsautl            s_client          s_server
s_time            sess_id           smime             speed
spkac             srp               ts                verify
version           x509

Message Digest commands (see the `dgst' command for more details)
md2               md4               md5               mdc2
rmd160            sha               sha1

Cipher commands (see the `enc' command for more details)
aes-128-cbc       aes-128-ecb       aes-192-cbc       aes-192-ecb
aes-256-cbc       aes-256-ecb       base64            bf
bf-cbc            bf-cfb            bf-ecb            bf-ofb
camellia-128-cbc  camellia-128-ecb  camellia-192-cbc  camellia-192-ecb
camellia-256-cbc  camellia-256-ecb  cast              cast-cbc
cast5-cbc         cast5-cfb         cast5-ecb         cast5-ofb
des               des-cbc           des-cfb           des-ecb
des-ede           des-ede-cbc       des-ede-cfb       des-ede-ofb
des-ede3          des-ede3-cbc      des-ede3-cfb      des-ede3-ofb
des-ofb           des3              desx              idea
idea-cbc          idea-cfb          idea-ecb          idea-ofb
rc2               rc2-40-cbc        rc2-64-cbc        rc2-cbc
rc2-cfb           rc2-ecb           rc2-ofb           rc4
rc4-40            seed              seed-cbc          seed-cfb
seed-ecb          seed-ofb          zlib
PiotrC1 commented 7 years ago

Well, indeed due to wrong settings of path openssl was captured by /usr/sbin/openssl instead of /usr/bin/openssl. Sorry for mistaken information.