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Add chan-dongle module to asterisk11 #233

Closed me11ved closed 6 years ago

me11ved commented 6 years ago

Hi Alex. I did not find the chan-dongle module for asterisk11. I can not create a voip gateway with my huawei 1550 3g modem. Thank you!

alllexx88 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Done: see 3c3b07a9621894643acad35e5a9c7b884c5b5e51

ipkg update
ipkg install asterisk11-chan-dongle
me11ved commented 6 years ago

Hi, Alex. Thanks for the quick help. I connected the modem. But it is not defined correctly. ; dongle required settings [HuaweiE1550] audio=/dev/ttyUSB1 ; tty port for audio connection; no default value data=/dev/ttyUSB2 ; tty port for AT commands; no default value ls -la /dev | grep ttyUSB* - not found

In this task.: Can you fix the correct connection? Thank you

alllexx88 commented 6 years ago

Did you switch dongle mode to modem-only? You have to disable CD-ROM and CardReader. Quick googling shows you have to issue following AT command:

me11ved commented 6 years ago

These settings have been completed. When the router was on entware-ng. The modem was determined correctly.

alllexx88 commented 6 years ago

It's not correct to say that router is/was on entware-ng/optware-ng. The router is on your firmware, and entware-ng/optware-ng build on top of it, using your firmware kernel, and some firmware commands too (though the latter can be substituted with optware-ng/entware-ng counterparts if need be). /dev/ttyUSB* discovery is governed by kernel -- not entware-ng or optware-ng, and, for example, in case of TomatoUSB firmware it can be enabled/disabled in USB and NAS -> USB support tab. So you should check your firmware.

P.S. Also, you may like to know that grep ttyUSB* command doesn't exactly do what you probably intended. It searchs for ttyUS, ttyUSB, ttyUSBB, ttyUSBBB and so on: <symbol>* in grep basic regexp mode (default) stands for "any number of <symbol>"

me11ved commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the detailed answer. I close the ticket.

I'll ask for another package: usb-modeswitch