Optware / Optware-ng

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Bind package #246

Closed dduck669 closed 6 years ago

dduck669 commented 6 years ago

Hi, the bind package is compiled "--with-gost", but when I start it, it doesn't. Logs says that: Jan 3 14:08:51 wifi1 named[5510]: ENGINE_by_id failed (crypto failure) Jan 3 14:08:51 wifi1 named[5510]: error:25070067:DSO support routines:DSO_load:could not load the shared library:dso_lib.c:233: Jan 3 14:08:51 wifi1 named[5510]: error:260B6084:engine routines:DYNAMIC_LOAD:dso not found:eng_dyn.c:467: Jan 3 14:08:51 wifi1 named[5510]: error:2606A074:engine routines:ENGINE_by_id:no such engine:eng_list.c:390:id=gost

Is possible to compile it "--without-gost"? Or is there any workaround to run bind? Thanks

dduck669 commented 6 years ago

I tried to compile it without libgost, but I get the same error. Any suggestion? Maybe it is an OpenSSL problem? Thank you

alllexx88 commented 6 years ago

@dduck669 Should be fixed now. Please test

dduck669 commented 6 years ago


I updated bind and related dependencies, but, when I start it, it fails again. The log says: Jan 5 15:14:11 wifi1 named[2887]: ifiter_ioctl.c:445: INSIST(iter->pos < (unsig ned int) iter->ifc.ifc_len) failed Jan 5 15:14:11 wifi1 named[2887]: exiting (due to assertion failure)

Please let me kwow, regards

alllexx88 commented 6 years ago

@dduck669 bind works fine for me on a TomatoUSB ARM firmware (Shibby mod). What firmware are you running? I googled your error up, and found this thread on dd-wrt forums. Though largely outdated, it gives some hints: looks like this error indicates some incompatibility between your kernel and the toolchain used to build bind

dduck669 commented 6 years ago

I use DD-WRT, maybe it's the problem. I'll try tomato and I will let you know. Thank you

alllexx88 commented 6 years ago

@dduck669 OK, thanks, just note that you have to stop dnsmasq before launching bind (see here)

dduck669 commented 6 years ago

I compiled from source using these options and now named work fine: ./configure --enable-shared --enable-static --with-randomdev="/dev/urandom" --disable-threads --disable-linux-caps --with-libtool --without-lmdb --enable-epoll=yes --with-gost=no --with-gssapi=no --with-ecdsa=no --with-readline=no --sysconfdir=/opt/etc/named --enable-filter-aaaa --without-openssl --disable-symtable

alllexx88 commented 6 years ago

@dduck669 Sorry for my late response. Have you tried to compile bind from source with Optware-ng config? Something like this:

        --enable-epoll \
        --prefix=\opt \
        --with-libtool \
        --with-openssl=/opt \
        --with-ecdsa \
        --with-gost \
        --without-libxml2 \
        --sysconfdir=/opt/etc/named \
        --localstatedir=/opt/var \
        --with-randomdev=/dev/random \
        --disable-getifaddrs \

I'm asking since I'm interested in knowing if the error you were facing is due to cross-compilation, or whether it's due to some configure option. Thanks