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bump nano v3.1 & iptraf v3.0.1 with wchar support #295

Closed stalchuk closed 5 years ago

stalchuk commented 5 years ago

Bump new ipk version with wchar support for:

alllexx88 commented 5 years ago

Looks almost good to me. Things to be fixed:

See changes comments for details.

stalchuk commented 5 years ago

Pull request reworked:

libtinfo is required, if nano is build with utf-8 support, that is why ncurses needs to be build with --with-termlib option. Since it can break many packages, I enabled termlib for ncursesw. Unfortunately, nano still looking for -ltinfo instead of -ltinfow when configured. Traditional way to provide proper library name from the config script didn't work for me, so some dirty fix is applied.

17 other packages depend on ncursesw, which need to be rebuild to be linked with ltinfow. I'm not sure if it worth it.

Please review.

alllexx88 commented 5 years ago


libtinfo is required, if nano is build with utf-8 support

is actually wrong. If you look at nano sources, you'll see that libtinfo isn't hardcoded anywhere. Maybe you're getting -ltinfo flag from your host's ncurses development files (like ncursesw5-config script). I suggest passing ac_cv_prog_NCURSESW_CONFIG=$(STAGING_PREFIX)/bin/ncursesw5-config environment variable to ./configure. We also don't need NANO_CPPFLAGS then: needed flags are provided by the $(STAGING_PREFIX)/bin/ncursesw5-config script.

As for ncurses(w), like I said, we don't want a separate libtinfo(w). When built without --with-termlib flag, termlib is embedded in libncurses(w). The only reason to have a separate termlib is to be able to link against libtinfo(w) directly, without linking with libncurses(w), for dependencies that need termlib, but not entire ncurses(w). We don't do this in Optware-ng, so please undo any changes to ncurses.mk.

Likewise, please remove -ltinfow flag from iptraf.mk.

Finally, no need to bump IPTRAF(NANO)_IPK_VERSION, like you did in the second commit, since no binaries have yet been uploaded to the feed.

P.S. If you don't mind, I can accept you PR now and fix the nuances I noted myself.

stalchuk commented 5 years ago

Cleaning up the code as per your recommendation. Thank you!

alllexx88 commented 5 years ago

Thank you! Merging.