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Samba 3 load library error with Arm5 legacy #308

Closed DrPeterVC closed 5 years ago

DrPeterVC commented 5 years ago

I recently updated from optware to optwage ng on my WD My Book World II (aka White light). Unfortunately I seem to be unable to run Samba 3 (Samba 2 works OK).

~ # ipkg install samba36 Installing samba36 (3.6.24-2) on /opt/. Downloading http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/optware-ng/buildroot-armv5eabi-ng-legacy/samba36_3.6.24-2_arm.ipk. Configuring samba36. ..... ~ # testparm /opt/bin/testparm: can't load library 'libpthread.so.1'

And when I try to restart samba:

/etc/init.d/S90smbd restart Restarting SMB services: Shutting down SMB services: OK Shutting down NMB services: OK Starting SMB services: /opt/sbin/smbd: can't load library 'libpthread.so.1' FAIL Starting NMB services: /opt/sbin/nmbd: can't load library 'libpthread.so.1' OK done.

Any ideas?

alllexx88 commented 5 years ago

Fixed now. Either wait for the feed to update, or install the proper version manually (it was there in the feed, just not indexed):

ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/optware-ng/buildroot-armv5eabi-ng-legacy/samba36_3.6.24-3_arm.ipk
DrPeterVC commented 5 years ago

Hi, tried manual download first - but that failed. So tried ipkg install samb36 again and it looks more promising. Will give it a whirl and see how it goes. Many thanks for the quick response much appreciated. Peter.

alllexx88 commented 5 years ago

Yeah, manual download of 3.6.24-3 version won't work now: I fixed a dependency bug in samba36, so current version in the feed is 3.6.24-4, hence the older 3.6.24-3 version I referenced is moved to archive :smile: