Optware / Optware-ng

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binaries linked against /lib/ld-linux.so.2 instead of /opt/lib/ld-linux.so.2 #73

Closed gits68 closed 8 years ago

gits68 commented 8 years ago

arch i686


yet another check against RPATH using objdump...

$ cd /opt/bin $ for i in $(file * | awk -F: '/dynamically linked/{print $1}'); do objdump -x $i | grep -q RPATH || echo $i; done catdoc catppt fdupes flex iconv iostat mpstat pidstat sadf sar xls2csv xxd

$ cd /opt/sbin for i in $(file * | awk -F: '/dynamically linked/{print $1}'); do objdump -x $i | grep -q RPATH || echo $i; done tinyproxy

yet another solution to check the right linker

$ file * | awk -F: '/dynamically linked/&&!/opt/{print $1}' same as $ ldd * | awk '/:$/{x=$1;next}/ld-linux.so.2/&&!/opt/{print x}'

end of update

$ cd /opt/bin $ ldd * | awk '/:$/{x=$1;next}/ld-linux.so.2/&&!/opt/{print x}' | sed 's!^!/!;s/:/$/' > /opt/tmp/ko2 $ cd /opt/lib/ipkg/info $ grep -f /opt/tmp/ko2 *.list catdoc.list:/opt/bin/xls2csv catdoc.list:/opt/bin/catdoc catdoc.list:/opt/bin/catppt fdupes.list:/opt/bin/fdupes fdupes.list:/opt/bin/fdupes flex.list:/opt/bin/flex gconv-modules.list:/opt/bin/iconv sqlite.list:/opt/bin/sqlite3 sendmail.list:/opt/bin/vacation sysstat.list:/opt/bin/mpstat sysstat.list:/opt/bin/mpstat sysstat.list:/opt/bin/mpstat sysstat.list:/opt/bin/mpstat sysstat.list:/opt/bin/iostat sysstat.list:/opt/bin/sar sysstat.list:/opt/bin/sadf sysstat.list:/opt/bin/pidstat vim.list:/opt/bin/xxd

$ cd /opt/sbin $ ldd * | awk '/:$/{x=$1;next}/ld-linux.so.2/&&!/opt/{print x}' | sed 's!^!/!;s/:/$/' > /opt/tmp/ko4 $ cd /opt/lib/ipkg/info $ grep -f /opt/tmp/ko4 *.list sendmail.list:/opt/sbin/mailstats sendmail.list:/opt/sbin/smrsh sendmail.list:/opt/sbin/editmap sendmail.list:/opt/sbin/praliases sendmail.list:/opt/sbin/makemap tinyproxy.list:/opt/sbin/tinyproxy

alllexx88 commented 8 years ago

That's a very helpful report, thank you! I believe the issues are fixed with following commits: bcc0a1a4c834885a926409368b7b92d5a908ec22 04968e692998d31b67c0d6e6f1f0de2f1a84f8dd 0e0f40d2b96fd14eadf6540d5e442df55df357d6 8d3ccf0fec355d9f5ab694047db677e39bab68c0 6d5dbac2c2068fab30cf9696033982eafaababb1 9aad4bcfb9f186bfa8f7b06730914b50669a5a73 57c9c9d344f9ada425908166778e185be4d346d9 48c0d6e1c0feef1b7966114517a67f19aaf122d8 615671aed1c8f0608f586a2070cbdfe7798ed9ed

Fixed packages are now online

gits68 commented 8 years ago

thanks,well done :)