OpusVL / Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-OpusVL

Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::OpusVL - Modules like we do at OpusVL
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Depends on non-existent module #1

Closed eserte closed 9 years ago

eserte commented 9 years ago

While trying to install the module using CPAN.pm:

----          Unsatisfied dependencies detected during          ----
---- ALTREUS/Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-OpusVL-0.002.tar.gz ----
    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST [requires]
Running test for module 'Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST'

  The module Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST isn't available on CPAN.

  Either the module has not yet been uploaded to CPAN, or it is
  temporary unavailable. Please contact the author to find out
  more about the status. Try 'i Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST'.

https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CPAN::Mini::Inject::REST also returns a 404 page.

Altreus commented 9 years ago

Apologies - I was testing my releaser (although I did intend to release) and forgot about that dependency, which is also new.

I've released it and it should appear on the indexes eventually.
