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overloaded procedures not correctly documented #80

Closed pocelka closed 6 years ago

pocelka commented 6 years ago


Overloaded procedures are not correctly documented; md output contains just first procedure. i.e.

create or replace package exporter authid current_user is

   -- TYPES
   * @type t_varchar2_max_plsql Maximum allowed varchar2 size for PL/SQL 
   * @type t_varchar2_max_sql Maximum allowed varchar2 size for SQL
   * @type t_ora_object_name Size for oracle object
   * @type t_exp_general_rec General configuration for what/where/how
   * @type t_exp_properties_rec Export properties. Shared type for various export file types
   * @type t_sql_queries_nt Array to store list of SQL queries to be exported into one file as separate sheets
   subtype t_varchar2_max_plsql is varchar2(32767 char);
   subtype t_varchar2_max_sql is varchar2(4000 char);
   subtype t_ora_object_name is varchar2(30 char);

   type t_exp_general_rec is record(
      sql_query               varchar2(4000 char),
      worksheet_name          varchar2(15 char)    default 'Results_',
      file_name               varchar2(100 char),
      error_msg               varchar2(4000 char));
   type t_sql_queries_nt is table of t_exp_general_rec index by pls_integer;

   type t_exp_properties_rec is record(
      directory               t_ora_object_name,                                       --oracle directory where data should be exported
      format_number           varchar2(10 char),                                       --format which will be used in to_char conversion
      format_date             varchar2(50 char)    default 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi:ss',    --format which will be used in to_char conversion
      txt_column_separator    varchar2(5 char)     default ',',                        --columns separator in output file
      xls_page_orientation    varchar2(30 char)    default 'Landscape',                --Landscape / Portrait
      xls_page_zoom           varchar2(3 char)     default '85',                       --page zoom
      xls_head_fill_color     varchar2(15 char)    default '#C0C0C0',                  --heading row cell fill color, default some grey shade
      xls_head_pattern        varchar2(15 char)    default 'Solid',                    --heading row fill pattern
      xls_save_sql            boolean              default false);                     --true/false if input SQL query should be saved in excel workbook

   procedure txt(
      p_what         in t_exp_general_rec,
      p_properties   in t_exp_properties_rec);

   procedure xls(
      p_what         in t_exp_general_rec,
      p_properties   in t_exp_properties_rec,
      p_first_query  in boolean                 default true,
      p_last_query   in boolean                 default true);

   procedure xls(
      p_what_bulk       in out nocopy t_sql_queries_nt,
      p_properties      in t_exp_properties_rec);

end exporter;
martindsouza commented 6 years ago

Overloaded functions do work. You need to add comments to all references. See https://github.com/OraOpenSource/oos-utils/blob/master/source/packages/oos_util_string.pkb and outputted documentation is: https://github.com/OraOpenSource/oos-utils/blob/master/docs/oos_util_string.md'

Note I think we can do a better job of how overloaded functions are displayed but that's a separate issue.

pocelka commented 6 years ago

Well didn't see this before. Thanks for pointing this out.