Orange-OpenSource / Orange-ExpLoRer-Kit-for-LoRa

The LoRa® Explorer Kit is a development board powered by Microchip that allows easy and quick prototyping of IoT objects and services using LoRa® technology. This very compact starter kit consists of an Arduino-based platform supporting LoRa® module, Bluetooth module, PCB antenna, rechargeable coin battery and temperature sensor.
Apache License 2.0
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arduino mini pro, NR2483 and Orange LoraWAN #1

Closed fhenryco closed 5 years ago

fhenryco commented 6 years ago


I have NR2483 and my own arduinos (mini pro , nanos, ...) . Already tested succesfully the point to point Lora transmissions.

I want to connect to Orange LoraWAN (i have an account) but i can't use the sketches and libraries here because it's not the Orange explorer kit that i have. I tried to compile for pro mini just the provided example to extract the device EUI but already at this level SerialUSB gives problems.

If there is only few modifications needed in the library may be i could do it ... but i doubt this will be the case.

So where could i find sketches for arduino mini pro to interact with my NR2483 and the complete MAC protocol to connect to Orange LoraWAN ?

Thanks in advance

laurentchivot commented 5 years ago

Hello, on the LoRa Explorer board, the microcontroller talks to the RN2483 as describded at The SODAQ ExpLoRer has 4 hardware serials: SerialUSB – This is for when you are debugging over the USB Cable. Serial – Serial is attached to pin D1/TX and D0/RX. Serial1 – Is connected to the Bluetooth Module. Serial2 – Is connected to the RN2483 LoRaWAN Module.

Our Library implements that , if you want to use simpler arduino boards, you have to adapt the serial name to the one your're using on your board

laurentchivot commented 5 years ago
