Orange-OpenSource / its-client

This Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) MQTT client based on the JSon ETSI specification transcription provides a ready to connect project for the mobility (connected and autonomous vehicles, road side units, vulnerable road users,...). Let's connect your device or application to our Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) platform!
MIT License
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Rust MQTT telemetry #182

Closed nbuffon closed 4 weeks ago

nbuffon commented 1 month ago

What's new

Closes #124

How to test

  1. Start a Jaeger/OTLP collector image

    docker run --rm --name jaeger \
    -p 6831:6831/udp \
    -p 6832:6832/udp \
    -p 5778:5778 \
    -p 16686:16686 \
    -p 4317:4317 \
    -p 4318:4318 \
    -p 14250:14250 \
    -p 14268:14268 \
    -p 14269:14269 \
    -p 9411:9411 -d\
  2. Create the test script

    wget &&
     mv test_copycat.txt /tmp/ &&
     chmod +x /tmp/

    (or download it as txt test_copycat.txt)

  3. Listen to MQTT messages with MQTTv5 properties

    mosquitto_sub -h -p 1884 -u rw -P readwrite -v -t "default/+/v2x/cam/#" -V mqttv5 -F %j | jq -C
  4. Edit the examples/config.ini file to fill the telemetry section with the following content

  5. Start the copycat example with the telemetry feature

    cargo run --example copycat --features geo_routing --features telemetry
  6. Launch the test script


    => Several reception must be logged

    DEBUG [copycat] item received: Packet { topic: GeoTopic { prefix: "default", queue: Out, suffix: "v2x", message_type: CAM, uuid: "ora_car_testcon2", geo_extension: Quadkey { tiles: [Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two, Two] } }, payload: Exchange { type_field: "cam", origin: "self", version: "1.2.0", source_uuid: "ora_car_2222", timestamp: 1618591358923, path: [], message: CAM(CooperativeAwarenessMessage { protocol_version: 2, station_id: 1077952580, generation_delta_time: 31571, basic_container: BasicContainer { station_type: Some(5), reference_position: ReferencePosition { latitude: 486230934, longitude: 22419064, altitude: 10000 }, confidence: Some(PositionConfidence { position_confidence_ellipse: Some(PositionConfidenceEllipse { semi_major_confidence: Some(0), semi_minor_confidence: Some(0), semi_major_orientation: Some(0) }), altitude: Some(1) }) }, high_frequency_container: HighFrequencyContainer { heading: Some(2375), speed: Some(137), drive_direction: Some(0), vehicle_length: Some(47), vehicle_width: Some(24), curvature: Some(0), curvature_calculation_mode: None, longitudinal_acceleration: Some(1), yaw_rate: Some(-27), acceleration_control: None, lane_position: Some(0), lateral_acceleration: Some(0), vertical_acceleration: Some(0), confidence: Some(HighFrequencyConfidence { heading: Some(2), speed: Some(3), vehicle_length: Some(1), yaw_rate: Some(6), longitudinal_acceleration: Some(5), curvature: Some(7), lateral_acceleration: None, vertical_acceleration: None }) }, low_frequency_container: Some(LowFrequencyContainer { vehicle_role: Some(0), exterior_lights: "00000000", path_history: [PathHistory { path_position: PathPosition { delta_latitude: None, delta_longitude: None, delta_altitude: None }, path_delta_time: Some(1) }] }) }) }, properties: PublishProperties { payload_format_indicator: None, message_expiry_interval: None, topic_alias: None, response_topic: None, correlation_data: None, user_properties: [], subscription_identifiers: [], content_type: None } }

    => One message publication must be logged

    DEBUG [libits::client::application::pipeline] Packet to publish...
    INFO [libits::client::application::pipeline] Cannot trace exchange, missing gateway component name in node configuration
    DEBUG [libits::client::application::pipeline] Packet published!
    DEBUG [rumqttc::v5::state] Publish. Topic = default/inQueue/v2x/cam/com_orange_its-client_10000/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/ 2/2/2/2/2/2, Pkid = 2, Payload Size = 962

    The published message should be carrying the W3C context (logged by mosquitto_sub command)

     "tst": "2024-10-24T14:44:41.462008Z+0200",
     "topic": "default/inQueue/v2x/cam/com_orange_its-client_10000/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2",
     "qos": 0,
     "retain": 0,
     "payloadlen": 962,
     "properties": {
       "user-properties": {
         "traceparent": "00-083c33ecb76bdd0f2d4b4b60e167f878-d5bb5974d8e3116b-01",
         "tracestate": ""
     "payload": "{\"type\":\"cam\",\"origin\":\"mec_application\",\"version\":\"1.2.0\",\"source_uuid\":\"com_orange_its-client_10000\",\"timestamp\":1729773881425,\"message\": {\"protocol_version\":2,\"station_id\":1077952580,\"generation_delta_time\":31571,\"basic_container\":{\"station_type\":5,\"reference_position\":{\"latitude\":486230934, \"longitude\":22419064,\"altitude\":10000},\"confidence\":{\"position_confidence_ellipse\":{\"semi_major_confidence\":0,\"semi_minor_confidence\":0, \"semi_major_orientation\":0},\"altitude\":1}},\"high_frequency_container\":{\"heading\":2375,\"speed\":137,\"drive_direction\":0,\"vehicle_length\":47,\"vehicle_width\":24, \"curvature\":0,\"longitudinal_acceleration\":1,\"yaw_rate\":-27,\"lane_position\":0,\"lateral_acceleration\":0,\"vertical_acceleration\":0,\"confidence\":{\"heading\":2, \"speed\":3,\"vehicle_length\":1,\"yaw_rate\":6,\"longitudinal_acceleration\":5,\"curvature\":7}},\"low_frequency_container\":{\"vehicle_role\":0, \"exterior_lights\":\"00000000\",\"path_history\":[{\"path_position\":{},\"path_delta_time\":1}]}}}"
  7. The test scripts did prompt asking for a trace parent, answer it using the published message's one

  8. Check the spans content on the local jaeger interface => You must see 8 traces
    => The 7th (the second most recent) must have a link to another span

nbuffon commented 4 weeks ago
  • [x] Tests all working as described.

One comment, though: copycat reports several informational messages that look like errors:

INFO [libits::client::application::pipeline] Cannot trace exchange, missing gateway component name in node configuration

This is because of the old KPI logging system which requires the Information message to be received once first, and obviously does not send one As KPI computation is planned to now be made using telemetry traces these function calls can be removed, I opened a new issue to do so (#199)