Orange-OpenSource / ods-ios

A SwiftUI components library with code examples for Orange Design System
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Study: DocC for documentation? #821

Open julien-deramond opened 2 months ago

julien-deramond commented 2 months ago


The aim of this study is to check if using DocC could be a better alternative to our current documentation system based on Jekyll + Orange theme.

The current documentation is really basic and needs a lot of actions from the web team, especially regarding the theming approach, the menu, etc.

DocC seems to be more iOS-developer friendly in terms of DX for the library users, and maybe in terms of maintenance for the core team.

ludovic35 commented 1 month ago

ludovic35 commented 1 month ago

What is nice:

  1. Add the component documentation in code : In code, before the component (here: strcut view) definition, it is possible to add the associated documentation in markdown format. Heder, code exemple, image, ... can be used.
    • The final documentation is creatrd by the doc compiler parking the markdown in the source code.
    • The quick help documentation it is also presented when the developper wants to use the component directly in the Xocde IDE.

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  1. Add overview documentation Based on a Docc catalogue stored in a folder of the source tree, it is possible to create a "global" documentation to describe the content of the library (propose an overview, some generis topics, a get started section, ...)

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  1. Generate web site content Of coure, based on all documentation stored in the repository, it is possible to generate a content that could be deployed on a web site (githupb pages for example).

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4 Tutorial For detail see :