Orange-Wallet / wallet-connect-dart

Wallet Connect client in Dart.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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How can i call walletconnect with web3dart in flutter #12

Open Bergmedia-bit opened 2 years ago

Bergmedia-bit commented 2 years ago

i have a smart contract with multiple functions that allow user to pay bills in crypto currencies .i just want to known how can i call smart contract functions through web3dart without private key.I already connect wallet with walletconnect but how can i use them instead of private key.Is there any option in walletconnect to call smart contract function?.

Abhimanyu121 commented 2 years ago

Hey are you making transactions or simply calling functions to get data?

parthstark commented 2 years ago

Hi @Abhimanyu121 I also have same question. Making transactions also.

Abhimanyu121 commented 2 years ago

What wallet connect does is, it recieves a transaction request from a Dapp, thus library will give you the request, you will have to send the transaction with web3Dart and then send back the TX hash to the DApp via this lib.