Orange-Wallet / wallet-connect-dart

Wallet Connect client in Dart.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
115 stars 78 forks source link

Example without an InAppWebView or show code from #21

Open sarbogast opened 2 years ago

sarbogast commented 2 years ago

I wanted to use this plugin to try and sign in to my Metamask wallet on iOS or Android completely natively, but your example uses an InAppWebView that completely hides what happens when we click the "Connect to WalletConnect" button. As a Wallet Connect newbie I'm completely lost. Is it a requirement to go through a web page that does most of the work like that, and if so, can you share how you implemented the website on And if it's possible to do everything natively, could you show an example of how to do that, with clearer indication as to what the values for each parameter should be? Right now the documentation is not very helpful.

juanagu commented 2 years ago

Any update around this?

mopilo commented 1 year ago

any example to this?