Orange-Wallet / wallet-connect-dart

Wallet Connect client in Dart.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
115 stars 78 forks source link

Support for dApp clients: add send requests capability #9

Open bobwith2bees opened 2 years ago

bobwith2bees commented 2 years ago

Great package!

Could we put on the roadmap, the ability to initiate the RPC requests in order to support DApp integrations more easily?

From what I understand, this package provides the receiver/wallet side of the protocol, but I am looking to use Flutter to ask a wallet connect capable wallet to personal_sign, eth_signTypedData etc. (e.g.

The package already initiates rpc requests with updateSession() in lib/wc_client.dart, so adding "sendRequestXXX" should be straightforward. I think... ;-)

Even supporting a single 'Send Custom Request' method would help, as we could author our own support with effort.

Abhimanyu121 commented 2 years ago

Hey we would love to take this forward but allow us some time, we have a few internal things in the pipeline before we can take this up.

muhammadsaddamnur commented 1 year ago

any update on this issue?