OrangeIguanas / Bangazon-cli

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User Can complete an order #8

Open ZacharyCline opened 7 years ago

ZacharyCline commented 7 years ago

Feature Number: #8

Feature Description: User can complete an Order:

Client will choose an active user. Client can now start adding products to an order.

If there are current products in an order:

Your order total is $149.54. Ready to purchase (Y/N) >

If user entered Y

Choose a payment option

  1. Amex
  2. Visa

    Once user chooses their payment option the order is placed into the database inside Orders table. If Orders has property of payment_type, The Order_complete field becomes true, and the order is complete.

Your order is complete! Press any key to return to main menu.

If user entered N, display the main menu again

Should contain unit test that returns: Products--contains(Product_Category) Product_name Price Payment_type--contains(Customer_id)

Dmart331 commented 7 years ago

If Order has property of payment method, order is complete.