OrchardCMS / Orchard.Gallery

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Error cooking Orchard due to DNS error for packages.orchardproject.net #32

Closed mroskamp closed 6 years ago

mroskamp commented 7 years ago

We have several Orchard sites that we re-cook nightly. The cooks have started failing recently. The failures appear to be related to being unable to connect to the Orchard gallery to download dependent modules.

When I browse to packages.orchardproject.net in a web browser, I get a DNS error.

I see on the Orchard gallery that there's reference to a new version of the Gallery, and a new FeedService address, but it also mentions that the old URL should continue working.

2016-10-20 22:47:44,799 [1] Orchard.Recipes.Services.RecipeStepExecutor - (null) - Recipe execution bc8bfa7c64d842b996535272f2e7f2b8 was cancelled because a step failed to execute
System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'packages.orchardproject.net'
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at System.Data.Services.Client.QueryResult.Execute()
   at System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceRequest.Execute[TElement](DataServiceContext context, QueryComponents queryComponents)
   at System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceQuery`1.GetEnumerator()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at Orchard.Packaging.Services.PackagingSourceManager.GetExtensionListFromSource(Boolean includeScreenshots, PackagingSource packagingSource, Func`2 query, PackagingSource source)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__16`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at Orchard.Recipes.RecipeHandlers.ModuleRecipeHandler.ExecuteRecipeStep(RecipeContext recipeContext)
   at Orchard.Recipes.Services.RecipeStepExecutor.ExecuteNextStep(String executionId)
2016-10-20 22:47:45,059 [1] Orchard.Exceptions.DefaultExceptionPolicy - (null) - An unexpected exception was caught
Orchard.OrchardCoreException: Recipe execution with id bc8bfa7c64d842b996535272f2e7f2b8 was cancelled because the "Module" step failed to execute. The following exception was thrown: The remote name could not be resolved: &#39;packages.orchardproject.net&#39;. Refer to the error logs for more information.
   at Orchard.Recipes.Services.RecipeStepExecutor.ExecuteNextStep(String executionId)
   at Orchard.Recipes.Services.RecipeScheduler.ExecuteWork(String executionId)
   at Orchard.Events.DelegateHelper.<>c__DisplayClass14_0`2.<BuildAction>b__0(Object target, Object[] p) in C:\Builds\25\Advantage\Cider-Hippo\src\Work\src\Orchard\Events\DelegateHelper.cs:line 116
   at Orchard.Events.DefaultOrchardEventBus.TryInvokeMethod(IEventHandler eventHandler, Type interfaceType, String messageName, String interfaceName, String methodName, IDictionary`2 arguments, IEnumerable& returnValue) in C:\Builds\25\Advantage\Cider-Hippo\src\Work\src\Orchard\Events\DefaultOrchardEventBus.cs:line 82
   at Orchard.Events.DefaultOrchardEventBus.TryNotifyHandler(IEventHandler eventHandler, String messageName, String interfaceName, String methodName, IDictionary`2 eventData, IEnumerable& returnValue) in C:\Builds\25\Advantage\Cider-Hippo\src\Work\src\Orchard\Events\DefaultOrchardEventBus.cs:line 53
sebastienros commented 7 years ago

Can you file an issue on the Orchard repos? It's maybe an issue with the enable feature step.

mroskamp commented 7 years ago

Yes, I'll log the issue there.

Disregarding the recipe issue, after manually changing the FeedSource in the DefaultPackagingUpdater to point at https://gallery.orchardproject.net/api/FeedService, Orchard is now able to connect to the gallery and install packages.

I think fixing the redirect between the old and new galleries would solve this issue.

(also note that the gallery website has the outdated https://orchardgallery.azurewebsites.net/api/FeedService URL on the homepage)

sebastienros commented 7 years ago

Can you provide a PR with the fix you are suggesting? Thanks

mroskamp commented 7 years ago

There's isn't a PR, as the current version of Orchard already has a fix in this changeset.

However, we're running Orchard v1.9.2, which still has the old package source (http://packages.orchardproject.net/FeedService.svc) hardcoded. I would expect this old package source to redirect to the new one, otherwise the gallery is unusable for anyone running an older version of Orchard.

Additionally, the new Gallery website states that the old feed URL would be redirected, which seems to be incorrect, based on what I'm seeing.


sebastienros commented 7 years ago

Makes sense, I thought we had that already. Will check.

sebastienros commented 7 years ago

@agriffard haven't you made this redirection already?

mroskamp commented 7 years ago

Thanks @sebastienros, I was aware of the DNS issues, but thought they had been resolved over the weekend.

sebastienros commented 7 years ago

Sorry, this is an answer I gave a few days ago, that never left my inbox, until I opened Outlook from my desktop ;)

agriffard commented 7 years ago

The new url is https://gallery.orchardproject.net/api/FeedService

mroskamp commented 7 years ago

@agriffard I changed my site (running v1.9.2) to point at the new URL a few days ago and that does work.

Does this mean that the gallery will be unusable for everyone running an older version of Orchard, unless they Gallery settings? Or, will the old URL be redirected to the new one, as mentioned on the gallery site (seen above)?

sebastienros commented 7 years ago

Checking for a redirect right now