OrchardCMS / Orchard

Orchard is a free, open source, community-focused Content Management System built on the ASP.NET MVC platform.
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Feature Request: Medium trust #228

Closed orchardbot closed 9 years ago

orchardbot commented 14 years ago

ArturDwornik created: https://orchard.codeplex.com/workitem/16395

Medium trust would be nice

orchardbot commented 14 years ago

smwhit commented:

Doesn't sound like it is going to be possible due to SqlLite

Shouldn't be too difficult to create a custom version excluding SqlLite though.

See - http://n2cms.com/wiki/Medium%20trust.aspx

orchardbot commented 14 years ago

suhacan commented:

medium trust is on the radar, probably once all our dependencies are figured out. You are right about Sqlite, but at this time i can only tell you that we're looking at other embedded relational db engines too.

orchardbot commented 14 years ago

JasonBunting commented:

Argh, I am in the middle of trying to implement a site for a client, and I desperately want to use Orchard, but this medium trust issue is killing me. I'd rather not use N2 CMS, but it would be easier initially. If I didn't think my client would balk, I might just use N2 for now, and re-implement their site in Orchard later; but then, I also need to do some custom SEO support, and don't relish the idea of implementing it twice. :)

Would it be too much to ask if you guys figure out the medium trust issue now? It seems like this has the potential to be a significant issue for adoption, and taking care of it initially, rather than trying to retrofit the app later to support it, would be prudent. I know you guys don't know when it will be done, but how hard would it be to set a date?

orchardbot commented 14 years ago

tkunstek commented:

I too spent a lot of time trying to get medium trust working. Ideally I can have this hosted on godaddy.com which uses Medium Trust with additional permissions granted. I got past SqlLite and got stuck on Castle Dynamic Proxy 2.2. I just don't know how deep the rabbit hole is at this point.

Agreed that if you try and retrofit medium trust later, you may find out that is simply not possible. I hate to say drop everything and tackle it now, but please do so. The community can add features, but architecture should stay in house at MS for now. Also note that .NET 4.0 is not readily available on the bigger hosting sites like GoDaddy.com yet, and I can't find an ETA of when it will be.

orchardbot commented 14 years ago

JasonBunting commented:

Hadn't realized the project was upgraded to 4.0 until I started using the dev tip; while I think I recall Bertrand mentioning (in another thread) it being easier to get around medium trust with some of the 4.0 features, that solution presents a problem for hosting this application with the same hosting companies that only allow medium trust - often, for the same reason they only permit medium trust (security/stability), they also wait to make the move to the latest version of the .NET framework, et al.

Of course, Orchard is, technically, in "alpha," so perhaps the concern over using 4.0 should give deference to the concern over the medium trust issues. Ultimately, GoDaddy and similar hosts will upgrade to 4.0, and until then, we will just have to wait. I would hate to see this project's architecture and feature capabilities held hostage to 3.5's capabilities simply because a handful of hosts decided to postpone adoption for a few months. Medium trust is a reasonable demand, and a more important one than 3.5 compatibility.

That said, I am not in the position to make such decisions; unless I want to fork this thing, which I don't. :)

orchardbot commented 13 years ago

battleace commented:

Medium trust is very import to the OS community since we often use such products for our customer base. Please make this a critical priority.

orchardbot commented 13 years ago

@andrerod commented:

This should be fixed now. Eventual follow up bugs should be tracked separately.

orchardbot commented 12 years ago


Gyus, is possible use level medium? How?

orchardbot commented 12 years ago

@bleroy commented:

It just works. We still recommend full trust for better perf but medium just works.

orchardbot commented 13 years ago

JilkaBian closed and commented:
