OrchardCMS / OrchardCore

Orchard Core is an open-source modular and multi-tenant application framework built with ASP.NET Core, and a content management system (CMS) built on top of that framework.
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In Loving Memory of Jean-Thierry Kéchichian 💐💔 #14954

Open MikeAlhayek opened 8 months ago

MikeAlhayek commented 8 months ago

With a heavy heart, we share in the sorrow as we remember our good friend Jean-Thierry Kéchichian (@jtkech) a truly extraordinary member of our community who unexpectedly passed away on December 24 2023. This issue is dedicated to sharing the stories, thoughts and memories that touch our hearts.

Let us recall the moments that brought smiles to our faces, the wisdom he shared, and the profound impact he had on is all. Let us express our sorrow and collectively pay tribute, to our Jean-Thierry.

As we reflect on his life, please let us extend our love and support to his family.

Rest in peace Jean-Thierry. You will be forever be missed! 💐💔



Piedone commented 8 months ago

I feel absolutely devastated. JT was a really important part of our community.

One thing that JT did that was not apparent from his activities in the "official" OC repo, was randomly chiming in under our open-source projects like here. We could count on his remarks being uniquely insightful.

Sadly, we never met in person. Now I wish I would've been more serious about planning that trip to Southern France that I've written about to him last year, looking to visit him too.

May our branches merge again, JT!

daveblack101 commented 8 months ago

Those are beautiful words Mike and Zoltán. JT was a kind soul and indeed, a pillar in this community. He will be terribly missed. May he rest in peace 🙏

Skrypt commented 8 months ago

Pour Jean-Thierry,

Jean-Thierry était une personne avec une très grande profondeur d'esprit. Il était très dévoué envers cette communauté et avait à cœur de répondre à tous les gens peu importe la raison. Il aimait particulièrement travailler sur les problèmes les plus complexes ; décortiquer la logique et tout remettre en question. Il prenait le temps de bien tout analyser pour aider la communauté et ce sans rien demander en retour.

Jean-Thierry et moi passions des heures à discuter ensemble pour toujours trouver des moyens d'améliorer la communauté. Parfois, et souvent nous amenant même à des discussions philosophiques. J'appréciais Jean-Thierry parce qu'il avait une vision qui allait bien au delà du simple problème à régler et il avait un souci de bien faire qui l'amenait à toujours améliorer ce qu'il faisait.

Il était un ami pour moi après toutes ces années et je sens que nos longues discussions vont me manquer.

Repose en paix mon ami.

Jasmin Savard

stantoxt commented 8 months ago

I remember feeling inexplicably moved when I received your patient comment for the first issue. I remember your unwavering support when you carefully reviewed my commit. In the community, also seeing your countless humble comments and elegant commits, you are one of my most admired heroes. Rest in peace Jean-Thierry, you will always be remembered with love and affection.

giannik commented 8 months ago

Im shocked. He seemed a very gentle human , very humble too. He will be missed. My condolences to his loved ones. May he REST IN PEACE. Yiannis

hyzx86 commented 8 months ago

I remember feeling inexplicably moved when I received your patient comment for the first issue. I remember your unwavering support when you carefully reviewed my commit. In the community, also seeing your countless humble comments and elegant commits, you are one of my most admired heroes. You will always be remembered with love and affection.


Exactly how I feel!

HengzheLi commented 8 months ago

A big lose of the communityl

I very appreciated for the lindness help from JT since the Orchard1. His detailed explaining on the diferent terms(Shape, Driver,Handler etc) of OC really saved my life when I start to leam the OC. I still remember his comment for the multitenant mechanism in OrchardCore inspiring me maling a performant solution for my customer then won the business deal.

Thanks for the all helps.

tobydodds commented 8 months ago

I've been lucky to work with JT for the past few years on a number of projects for Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. His kindness and brilliance always present in equal measure. He leaves a trail of beautiful ideas in his wake and I'll miss him dearly. This really really hurts. If there is a place to send flowers or show our support outside of here please let us know.

kevinchalet commented 8 months ago

This is such a sad day.

I didn't know Jean-Thierry personally, but I've always admired the absolute passion and energy that animated him every time he contributed to Orchard or took the time to explain in detail a very specific technical point.

He will be deeply missed.

PimHwang commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the great works he contributed, his departure was a huge loss to the community. May he rest in peace.

hyzx86 commented 8 months ago

To be honest, I didn't want to believe it was true all day, just a week ago he was coaching and explaining my PR . JT is a really nice guy.


lampersky commented 8 months ago

This is a huge loss for loved ones and for the community. I'm speachless. 😞

ns8482e commented 8 months ago

I was so saddened to hear. Big loss to the family and the orchard community. @jtkech was kind hearted person always willing to help community to make it better.

I always learned new things from him - from his PR feedback/comments - I'll miss him.

May he rest in peace.

urbanit commented 8 months ago

My sincere condolences for JT loss to his beloved ones. Unfortunately, I have never met him in person but his presence in our dev life was more than important. He led open source by example and may his legacy to inspire more people. JT, you will be missed.

MichaelPetrinolis commented 8 months ago

Rest In Peace JT, the community will always remember you

It was a shock to all of us, I still can't believe it :(

nicpitsch commented 8 months ago

I've only been here at OC for a few days. Going through issues I already noticed JT, as he gave complementary, precise and friendly answers. What a loss for the community.

My sincere condolences go out to his relatives.

emrahtokalak commented 8 months ago

My deepest sympathies to the loved ones of JT for their loss.

dodyg commented 8 months ago

Oh no. Rest in Peace.

bleroy commented 8 months ago

Mes sincères condoléances aux proches de JT. Nous nous souviendrons tous de sa gentillesse et de son profond dévouement pour cette communauté. Ses contributions restent dans le code, et chaque site Orchard perpétuera sa mémoire...

Piedone commented 8 months ago

At next week's community meeting, we'll start by honoring JT's legacy. Please join us at 8 PM UTC on Tuesday the 2nd here: https://orchardcore.net/meeting.

MatthijsKrempel commented 8 months ago

Rest in peace JT

infofromca commented 8 months ago

深切的哀悼。 好人总是走得太早。 愿您安息。

deanmarcussen commented 8 months ago

This is very sad news, and my heart goes out to JT's relatives. He does indeed leave a great legacy of contributions to Orchard behind, and will be very missed.

aderderian commented 8 months ago

This is definetly sad news. As someone who has been working with Orchard since it's inception...JT always answered questions and provided fixes whenever I asked for help. His contributions allowed for small business owners like myself to leverage a solution like Orchard and provide value to clients. I will never forget how he helped me and members of my team succeed and always answer questions in the forums/gitter.

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones.

elaurentin commented 8 months ago

Very sad news. He was always quick to offer assistance and guidance. Thoughts and prayers to his family!

Mes cordoléances á toute sa famille. Un gars très ouvert et sympathique.

rwxzig commented 8 months ago

This is truly very sad news, for his beloved, Orchard and OSS community in general. I was just reading the change log for the 1.8.0 release where I saw the news about jtkech passing away, and this absolutely unbelievable. As an Orchard observer and aspirant, I see his name and contributions everywhere.

Jean-Thierry, you will be missed and your work will be remembered as the work of a great mind and as one of the leading force of Orchard community.

Thank you for everything you did for Orchard and OSS in general and may you rest in peace.

sfmskywalker commented 8 months ago

I never had the privilege of meeting JT in person, but our online interactions left a lasting impression on me. His profound knowledge of advanced Orchard Core concepts and his kind, humble nature were truly admirable. JT's spirit will forever be a part of this incredible open-source project that he helped shape so significantly. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones during this difficult time.

psijkof commented 8 months ago

Incredibly sad news. I admired the significant efforts, insights, and persistence. He will be missed :(

DotCat1985 commented 8 months ago

It's a very sad news. He was very kind and helpful on discussions issues. I also remembered a lot his contributions on OrchardCore. So, thank you Jean-Thierry Kéchichian (@jtkech) for everything and rest in peace.

rjpowers10 commented 8 months ago

I only interacted with @jtkech briefly, but I greatly appreciate his dedication and swiftness to resolving my issue #14117. He will be missed.