OrchardCMS / OrchardDoc

Documentation for Orchard 1.x (not Orchard Core, for that see https://docs.orchardcore.net/).
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Added a page dedicated to Logging in Orchard #239

Closed BrandonBlanchard closed 8 years ago

BrandonBlanchard commented 8 years ago

Added a page documenting the usage of ILogger and log4net. Updated link to Logger source code on github

rtpHarry commented 8 years ago

Something has got messed up with this pull request, it looks like you picked the wrong branch as it's trying to merge into the "sebros/accept-pr" branch.

rtpHarry commented 8 years ago

It doesn't seem to include your ilogger article either. I think you probably need to just close this PR and then have another go

BrandonBlanchard commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the heads up, I'll go ahead and do that.

BrandonBlanchard commented 8 years ago

Hi Harry, I've tried to create a pull request a few times and am having a bit of trouble. Would you mind giving me a high level explanation of how I need to do this? I've read the docs, but clearly I'm missing something critical here.

rtpHarry commented 8 years ago

hey, yeah no problem. What seems to be happening is you are on the wrong branch because the PR is going into the sebros/accept-pr branch:


That was just an old branch that was used for one thing ages back. It looks like you're actually working off a much new branch because its trying to merge in the hundreds of commits on master that have happened since that old branch was first created.

When you create the PR you want the BASE to be the OrchardDocs Master branch:


And then the compare should be the branch you have made your changes to.

See if that gets you any further, if not I'm happy to use remote support software and we can share screens and figure out whats going on :)

BrandonBlanchard commented 8 years ago

I'll give that a shot, thanks for the snappy reply!