OrchardCMS / OrchardDoc

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wrapper content seems to be wrong #306

Open rtpHarry opened 7 years ago

rtpHarry commented 7 years ago



Create this file and put the following text in it:

<div class="htmlWrapperContent">

But it seems like it's


Not sure if that's in every case or not. I was working with a Part (Orchard.Cw.Disqus) but I found discussion on the web saying that it also worked for Fields.

rtpHarry commented 7 years ago

Some of the wrappers use this shape from CoreShapes.cs:

    public IHtmlString PlaceChildContent(dynamic Source) {
        return Source.Metadata.ChildContent;

Which is used like @Display.PlaceChildContent(Source: Model)

This seems like an attempt to standardise it.

Some (widgets and elements) provide a shortcut on their shape under .Child which is implemented in the modules IShapeTableProvider like this.