OrderOfTheBee / alfresco-pdf-toolkit

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PDF Toolkit ships with SLF4J API, Jetty, JUnit and Spring test JARs #39

Closed AFaust closed 6 years ago

AFaust commented 6 years ago

Since I had to review this addon for potential inclusion in the system of a customer, I noticed a serious problem with the packaging and dependency management. The Repository AMP ships a lot of JARs that it should have never included. Version 1.4.0 ships:

Most of the JARs are only used for testing since the single test class (TestPDFActionFormFilter) is located in the src/main/java path instead of the more appropriate src/test/java path for unit tests. In at least one instance (SLF4J API) the inclusion of the JAR may pose a compatibility problem for anyone installing the AMP, since the version of the JAR may be different from what is being used in a specific Alfresco Repository version, and abritrary classpath loading order (often dependent on OS file listing order) could end up loading the wrong version.