Blame reports that at least one feature (fallen tree) was not registered, which can break worldgen for other mods.
** Blame Report 1.16.5-3.2.3-forge **
This ConfiguredFeature was found to be not registered. Look at the JSON info and try to
find which mod it belongs to. Then go tell that mod owner to register their ConfiguredFeature
as otherwise, it will break other mods or datapacks that registered their stuff.
Blame reports that at least one feature (fallen tree) was not registered, which can break worldgen for other mods.
** Blame Report 1.16.5-3.2.3-forge **
This ConfiguredFeature was found to be not registered. Look at the JSON info and try to find which mod it belongs to. Then go tell that mod owner to register their ConfiguredFeature as otherwise, it will break other mods or datapacks that registered their stuff.
Biome affected : [byg:enchanted_grove, environmental:marsh, minecraft:savanna_plateau, terraforged:shattered_savanna_scrub, byg:redwood_mountains, minecraft:savanna, byg:sierra_range, byg:allium_fields, minecraft:desert_hills, byg:meadow, environmental:blossom_valleys, byg:grassland_plateau, byg:prairie_clearing, byg:wooded_meadow, byg:wooded_red_rock_mountains, byg:flowering_meadow, byg:flowering_enchanted_grove, byg:red_desert, minecraft:sunflower_plains, atmospheric:rocky_dunes, byg:sierra_valley, autumnity:pumpkin_fields, byg:grove, atmospheric:flourishing_dunes, minecraft:shattered_savanna_plateau, minecraft:desert, atmospheric:dunes_hills, atmospheric:dunes, byg:mojave_desert, minecraft:shattered_savanna, byg:autumnal_valley, byg:amaranth_fields, minecraft:modified_wooded_badlands_plateau, byg:prairie, byg:baobab_savanna, byg:lush_tundra, environmental:mushroom_marsh, byg:rose_fields, byg:lush_red_desert, minecraft:plains, byg:red_rock_mountains, atum:dead_oasis, byg:wooded_grassland_plateau, atmospheric:rocky_dunes_hills, atmospheric:petrified_dunes, byg:orchard, minecraft:wooded_badlands_plateau, byg:flowering_grove, byg:shrublands]