OrderedChaos-Dev / ProjectVibrantJourneys

Minecraft mod that expands in all directions
37 stars 15 forks source link

Repo Won't Compile If Pulled As-Is #79

Closed BlackJar72 closed 4 years ago

BlackJar72 commented 5 years ago

I was asked to try to make dynamic trees support for your mod (https://www.curseforge.com/private-messages/117888) so I figured I'd try, probably because I made such an addon for my own Climatic Biomes mod. However, "gradle build "or "./gradlew build" do not compile it, even after running setupDecompWorkSpace. It seems to not find "public static ISeasonState getSeasonState(World world)" -- basically I'm trying to get a deobf jar.


Note I did tack this on to the end of gradle.build, but I doubt it would cause that problem (it works for my mods):

` task deobfJar(type: Jar) { from sourceSets.main.output classifier = 'deobf' }

artifacts { archives deobfJar archives sourceJar } `

Of course, if you wanted to add this yourself that would also work.

OrderedChaos-Dev commented 5 years ago

Hey, sorry for the late reply. The thing that went wrong here is that the build.gradle has the download sections the download the mod's "dependencies". For some reason it's failing at SereneSeasons, which worked before but I guess something changed. It also wouldn't work when I changed it to download the latest version.

download { src 'https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/serene-seasons/download/2710586' dest file('libs/SereneSeasons.jar')
overwrite true }

Take this part and comment it out or just delete it. You'll have to download SereneSeasons from CurseForge and rename the file SereneSeasons.jar and place it in the libs folder so the compiler can use it.

BlackJar72 commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I'll try this soon.