I am using this library in my App, I have multiple targets, getting following error while building one of my targets, others are fine.
Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier
Please provide information on your development environment, so we can build with the same scenario.
Xcode version (12.4 (12D4e)): ℹ
PopupDialog version (1.1): ℹ
Minimum deployment target (10.0): ℹ
Language (Objective-C): ℹ
Dependency management
If you are not using any dependency managers, you can remove this section.
Dependency manager (CocoaPods): ℹ
Version (1.10.1): ℹ
What did you do?
While I am building one of my target I am getting following error if enum UILayoutConstraintAxis in library,
/Users/**/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/****/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PopupDialog/PopupDialog.framework/Headers/PopupDialog-Swift.h:266:160: Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier
What did you expect to happen?
As I am using two target, one is building fine while other is giving this error, expect to build successful as other target.
What happened instead?
Instead I am getting error of enum UILayoutConstraintAxis
/Users/**/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/****/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PopupDialog/PopupDialog.framework/Headers/PopupDialog-Swift.h:266:160: Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier
I am using this library in my App, I have multiple targets, getting following error while building one of my targets, others are fine.
Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier
Please provide information on your development environment, so we can build with the same scenario.
Dependency management
If you are not using any dependency managers, you can remove this section.
What did you do?
While I am building one of my target I am getting following error if enum UILayoutConstraintAxis in library,
/Users/**/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/****/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PopupDialog/PopupDialog.framework/Headers/PopupDialog-Swift.h:266:160: Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier
What did you expect to happen?
As I am using two target, one is building fine while other is giving this error, expect to build successful as other target.
What happened instead?
Instead I am getting error of enum UILayoutConstraintAxis
/Users/**/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/****/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PopupDialog/PopupDialog.framework/Headers/PopupDialog-Swift.h:266:160: Typedef 'UILayoutConstraintAxis' cannot be referenced with a enum specifier