OreCruncher / BetterRain

Based on the BetterRain mod from Wirsbo
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Generic definitions for players to hook onto via minetweaker #138

Closed Sunconure11 closed 8 years ago

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Modders can also hook onto these by assigning their blocks to these definitions

oreGeneric will produce a sound similar to that of most ores if a block has been added to that definition

blockMetal will produce a metallic sound if a block has been added to that definition

genericWood will produce sounds like that of wood if a block has been added to that definitiion

genericSapling will produce sounds like those of normal saplings if a block has been added to that definition

genericGlass will produce sounds like that of glass if a block has been added to that definition

genericLeaves will produce a foliage sound if a block has been added to that definition

genericStone will produce a sound similar to stone if a block has been added to that definition

genericSandstone will produce a sound similar to sandstone if a block has been added to that definition

genericSand will produce a sound similar to sand if a block has been added to that definition

genericChest will produce a sound similar to chests if a block has been added to that definition

genericWool will produce a sound similar to wool if a block has been added to that definition

genericFence will produce a sound similar to that of fences if a block has been added to that definition

genericMud will produce a muddy sound if a block has been added to that definition

genericObsidian will produce a sound similar to obsidian if a block has been added to that definition

genericJewel will produce a sound similar to various composite blocks if a block has been added to that definition

genericMarble will produce a sound similar to marble if a block has been added to that definition