OregonCore / AoWoW

Web-based Database Viewer for OregonCore 2.4.3
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AoWoW Code Design #11

Open Zaffy opened 8 years ago

Zaffy commented 8 years ago

AoWoW is quite an old project that was started around when there was popular php 4 and new version php 5 was yet to come. All were learning and thats perfectly fine but from the long-distance view the code is a little mess - is not fine designed. It's not fully compattible with todays software since it stayed behind and also to change a something you have to wander to many places in code.

Creating a custom design from scratch would be a pain in ass. There's already is an awesome, popular and highly-deployed MVC (Model-View-Controller) design. There are lots of mvc php frameworks that could serve this purpose - to be used as fundamental core AoWoW can be built upon just like OregonCore is built upon ACE.

I would not like to choose by myself only. I want to you to help us discuss this issue and to choose the right framwork that will fit best AoWoW.

kotishe commented 8 years ago

Maybe CodeIgniter, as framework your site?

Zaffy commented 8 years ago

CodeIgniter is the only php I've used so far and I'm quite new to it ut perhaps if someone has another experience or can recommend a framework I'd be grateful

kotishe commented 8 years ago

Sorry, now i use only wp or simple php. Look here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_frameworks. Kohana, Laravel or Symfony