Open lsat12357 opened 2 years ago
exported 20220606 verification failed...this is weird. w1 = Hyrax::Migrator::Work.find_by(pid: "df728052f") w1.env[:attributes][:local_collection_id] => ["Ax 126"] item1 = ActiveFedora::Base.find( item1.local_collection_id => ["[\"Ax 126\"]"]
but. w2 = Hyrax::Migrator::Work.find_by(pid: "df728030d") w2.env[:attributes][:local_collection_id] => ["Ax 126"] item2 = ActiveFedora::Base.find( item2.local_collection_id => ["Ax 126"]
TLDR version: local_collection_id is showing up wonky (the array brackets are part of the string) in OD2, but ONLY on generic items, and at the moment, it appears to be an OD2 problem, but I don't see how/why. This is a pretty minor bug all things considered. Do we want to hold off migrating generic assets with local_collection_id? fix them later? They are failing verification. I've made a ticket, and I've decided to remediate my way out for the time being. however, I've discovered that the cpds on this coll have somehow...fixed themselves. verification passing.
QA Pass.
To update/fix post-OD2 migration (ticket: Html error in public view. Showing html markup < p >< /p > in collection description. Check here:
Search/indexing/faceting check:
Work pages:
Collection pages:
[x] Collection pages are there
[x] Collection description/blurb is there
[x] Facets are there
[x] Restrictions: Double-check restricted collections and works (VPN) N/A
[x] Bulk Approve (step 11)
[ ] Collection-level QA: Compare number of assets on OD2 with total in original pidlist (step 12)
All URIs fixed.
Pid tool needs to be rerun.
Finding aid URI updated. QA'ed. No other metadata errors found.
Checked for copyright issues- no dates fall between 1924-1927
Checked copyright for 1928. No updates needed.
Item Count: 31 items
Item Types: Document/Generic
Access Restrictions: 0
Complex Objects: 4
pid List: list generated 20220606