OregonDigital / OD2-migration

Project board for migration tracking
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Oregon Maps (ormaps) #35

Open lsat12357 opened 2 years ago

lsat12357 commented 2 years ago

Item Count: 208 items

Item Types: Image

Access Restrictions: 0

Complex Objects: 0

pid List: https://github.com/OregonDigital/OD2-migration/blob/ormaps/ormaps_pids list generated 20220613

lsat12357 commented 2 years ago

exported 20220617 problem with filesets: df6750054, df675008z, df675007p

lsat12357 commented 2 years ago

"error_message\":\"gm identify /data/mini_magick20220623-41-1ayelwb.tiff failed with error:\ngm identify: /data/mini_magick20220623-41-1ayelwb.tiff: Null count for \\"Tag 32934\\" (type 4, writecount -3, passcount 1). (_TIFFVSetField).\ngm identify: Request did not return an image.\n\",\"error_class\":\"MiniMagick::Invalid\

All 3 images are throwing this error when I try to rerun derivatives. I tried downloading one of them from OD1 and opening it with gimp, and initially it complained with the same error, but then opened it anyway. I can try saving the image and replacing the file on OD2, or would it be better to let a DSC person do some kind of troubleshooting/repair?

sseymore commented 1 year ago

@lsat12357 I reuploaded images for all of these works. They are showing in the viewer on my end. Let me know if this helped.

https://oregondigital.org/catalog/oregondigital:df6750054 https://oregondigital.org/catalog/oregondigital:df675008z https://oregondigital.org/catalog/oregondigital:df675007p

lsat12357 commented 1 year ago

df6750054, df675008z, df675007p reexported and filesets redone. verification ok

sarahfish07 commented 1 year ago



Search/indexing/faceting check:


Work pages:

Collection pages:

sarahfish07 commented 1 year ago

No URI errors.

sarahfish07 commented 1 year ago

Ready for bulk review.

sarahfish07 commented 10 months ago

Fixed relations and title. QA'ed. No other errors found.

This page doesn’t have an image: https://oregondigital.org/concern/images/df6750029

wickr commented 9 months ago

A patron found a map that didn't have a Set value in OD1 so it wasn't migrated. But it was originally in Oregon Maps. I added the Set and PrimarySet and migrated the item. https://github.com/OregonDigital/OD2-migration/blob/master/ormaps/ormaps_missed_pids.txt

wickr commented 9 months ago

The newly migrated map above wasn't successful with derivatives, and was similar to 6 other estuary maps missing thumbnails/viewer images. I found the original files, resaved without compression, and uploaded those. Derivatives processed fine, so it may have been the compression on those older files, or some other setting, that wasn't playing nice with the image processor.

sarahfish07 commented 9 months ago

Checked for copyright issues- no dates fall between 1924-1927

sarahfish07 commented 5 months ago

Checked copyright for 1928. No updates needed.