OregonDigital / OD2-migration

Project board for migration tracking
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uo-athletics_ar #482

Open lsat12357 opened 1 year ago

lsat12357 commented 1 year ago

Item Count: 500 Item Types: Image/Document pid List https://github.com/OregonDigital/OD2-migration/blob/master/uo-athletics/uo-athletics_ar_pids see https://github.com/OregonDigital/OD2-migration/issues/399

lsat12357 commented 1 year ago

verification ok

jsimic commented 1 year ago

@lsat12357 Getting a "The resource you tried to access..." message when trying to get to df66ck21

jsimic commented 1 year ago



Search/indexing/faceting check:


Work pages:

Collection pages:

jsimic commented 1 year ago

@sseymore Missing label, no record in opns: df66ck21x http://opaquenamespace.org/ns/subject/AutzenStadiumEugeneOr