Open lsat12357 opened 2 years ago
throughout these batches, I'm seeing
@lsat12357 thanks! pidstoreview.txt
QA PASS- numbers match
Search/indexing/faceting check:
Work pages:
Collection pages:
[x] Collection pages are there
[x] Collection description/blurb is there
[x] Facets are there
[x] Restrictions: Double-check restricted collections and works (VPN)
[x] Bulk Approve (step 11)
[x] Collection-level QA: Compare number of assets on OD2 with total in original pidlist (step 12)
@sseymore No work pages are available from collection home page. No collection is available in search filters (main page is there is search results, but cannot narrow results to this collection.
@sarahfish07 Looks like items are not reviewed for QA yet.
NOTE: Double checking errors. Numbers still do not match. Update 11/7; 11/14: Numbers do not match; 11/21: same error 1/23: Numbers match. Bulk approving.
@lsat12357 everything on prod now can be bulk approved. stalled batches corrected and removed from board. There are new works added to OD1, so actual count should be 5844.
All URIs fixed.
Checked copyright for dates up to 1928. No updates needed.
Item Count: 5713 items
Item Types: Image/Document/Generic
Access Restrictions:
Complex Objects: 105
pid List: