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Improve UV Contents pane functionality for complex objects containing audio or video #2808

Open petersec opened 1 year ago

petersec commented 1 year ago

Descriptive summary

When viewing a complex object containing audio or video (plus a transcript, usually) the Contents pane on the left-hand side of Universal Viewer does not work in the same way as for complex objects containing text objects only. As a result, users who are unfamiliar with the complex object item show page are less likely to find the full range of content contained within the complex object.

In the case of a complex object containing an audio file, the Contents pane displays links for both a transcript and an audio file, but only displays the transcript in the Thumbnails view and within Universal Viewer itself. When a user clicks on the audio link, UV refreshes to show the transcript once again, with the transcript link highlighted. The only way to successfully navigate to the audio file from the complex object is to scroll to the bottom of the page and select the audio file from the 'Contained in this Object' interface. Because the 'Contained in this Object' view is at the bottom of the page, users who are new to the complex object show page layout won't know to scroll down to access this content.

For complex objects containing video files, there is no Contents pane displaying in UV. In these instances, the user once again has to scroll down to the 'Contained in this Object' view to see that there is a transcript, which they can select and view outside of the complex object show page.

Expected behavior

As a user, when I arrive at the item show page for a complex object containing audio and a transcript, I will expect the Contents pane in Universal Viewer to show links for both the audio file and the transcript. When I click on audio, a media player should load within Universal Viewer that allows me to play the audio. (for thumbnails view, it would be fine for the musical notes badge to display, as on the search results page for sound objects) When I click on transcript, the transcript should display within Universal Viewer.

When I arrive at the item show page for a complex object containing video and a transcript, I will expect a Contents pane in Universal Viewer to appear, and to show links for both the video file and the transcript. When I click on video, a media player should load within Universal Viewer that allows me to play the video. (for thumbnails view, it would be fine for a representative screen capture to appear, as on the search results page for moving images objects) When I click on transcript, the transcript should display within Universal Viewer.

Related work

Audio example: Interview with Ed Ortega, University of Oregon Veterans Video example: Oral History Interview with Lorraine Ironplow

Accessibility Concerns


petersec commented 1 year ago

Upon re-checking the Audio and Video examples linked above, clicking on the audio or video link within UV now causes UV to refresh and display the audio or video player as desired, but UV hides the Contents pane in the process. The only way to regain access to the Contents pane is to refresh the page.

Ideally, upon clicking the audio or video link, we would want the media player to display while still retaining access to the functionality of the Contents pane on the left-hand side of the UV interface. Should the user desire a fuller audio or video interface, they would be able to access it by clicking on the Full Screen option in UV, as with a photo or text object.

CGillen commented 1 year ago

Is the original ticket no longer a problem and now @petersec's the only issue? If the transcript option was retained when clicking the audio/video, would that be ok? Alternatively, since UV official ignores the IIIF transcript spec, there is the option to enable the download button for transcriptions. See this example (the audio/video is busted but that can be fixed 🤞) https://uv-v4.netlify.app/#?manifest=https://iiif.io/api/cookbook/recipe/0017-transcription-av/manifest.json&c=&m=&cv=

petersec commented 1 year ago

@CGillen It looks like the issues described in the original ticket are still applying to many - but not all - complex objects containing video files and transcripts. At least, that's what I'm seeing when clicking on items from this search string for the Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project. The Lorraine Ironplow interview noted above appears to be an exception. Jain Elliott and Myeba Mindlin also loaded with a transcript and video link. Ginger Newman and Janice Baker is an example of one that did not load with a transcript and video link for me. Same with Gladys Campell and Laura Newell Stockford.

The issues originally described also still apply for some - but not all - complex objects containing audio files and transcripts, but there are more items in our representative collection (see this search string for the UO Veterans project) that work. Upon opening, many of the items display an audio file and transcript in the UV panel, but not all of them. See Nicholas O'Neill or Kyle Crowther as examples of objects that did not load properly for me.

Outside of these two collections (Eugene Lesbian Oral History Project and UO Veterans), I don't know if there are other examples from UO of complex objects containing audio or video files plus a transcript that could be examined to test these results. (@jsimic ?) I'm fairly sure OSU doesn't yet have any complex objects of this sort in OD.

The issues described in my comment of March 21 do still appear to be relevant for both sets of complex objects (audio and video) accessible through the above two search strings. Perhaps this second set of issues should be described in a new ticket.

jsimic commented 1 year ago

@petersec No, there are no more complex object with a/v and transcripts