OregonDigital / OD2

Next generation of Oregon Digital ( https://oregondigital.org ) digital collections platform, built on Samvera Hyrax ( https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/ )
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[10] Design for Collections Landing Pages #43

Closed straleyb closed 3 years ago

straleyb commented 5 years ago

Descriptive summary

This may or may not be work done in hyrax. There should be the ability to express a collection landing page per collection. This landing page would contain information about the collection. Whats in it? Where did it come from? What is its significance? Some sort of description of the collection. It should also have representative images associated with the collection. ~These should be displayed on the landing page in a carousel like rotation.~ These should be displayed in a single row of thumbnails, 4 across.

These have already been implemented in OD and are a very important piece of displaying a collection for users to see. This collection landing page needs to be accessible from a list of collections somewhere in OD2.

Expected behavior

When the collection is visited, all the information associated with the collection will be displayed on its landing page.

Latest MAC design: https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/47X400SV3BM#/screens/415938473

Related Issues


mccallum commented 5 years ago


vantuyls commented 5 years ago

@petersec @jsimic @wickr and everyone - can folks put some eyes on the collection showpage work for feedback?

@mccallum do you think this is ready to implement or is this still in progress?

jsimic commented 5 years ago

I'm concerned that the text, including Browse and Advanced, disappear against the banner. Is the banner static or a slideshow like OD1? Can we split the banner?

petersec commented 5 years ago

I agree that the text gets a bit lost against the graphic, especially Browse and Advanced. Perhaps a solid background behind the all text/link elements is a solution? Also, in this design is there a word count limit for the intro text? (looks to me like the text used on the actual yearbooks showpage is cut off in the sketch)

Not sure how useful the Latest Items feature would be. From the OSU side, and with a few notable exceptions, once a collection is launched it's pretty well finished. I could see a "Most Viewed" feature having a bit more utility, though its presumably harder to create that. Another idea might be to use that bottom space for some sort of public display of collection stats or analytics.

I like the branding though -- it's obviously an OSU collection -- and the search dropdowns at the top.

vantuyls commented 5 years ago

@mccallum can you take those feedbacks into account for some revisions?

wickr commented 5 years ago

Is there an option of using the OSU logo and wordmark in their horizontal orientation within the logo spot? Like whats on oregonstate.edu but without the full width orange bar. There's a lot of vertical space used in the current sketch.

What about Collections that have supporting pages, where are links to those going? Below 'Browse/Advanced' ?

I don't like that the Collection Search box is larger than the Collection Title. Also no indication or prompt of what exactly that is.

Are long Collection Titles going to wrap in that column?

Latest Items is fine, but some Collections will still need the Carousel or other similar way to feature highlighted items.

What to things in Latest Items look like when Documents or other items and not the standard photo landscape layout?

mccallum commented 5 years ago

@vantuyls Certainly. I'm not content with it. Franny, Ray, and I are meeting Thursday for some role/responsibility clarification and refinement to align yearly job objectives with OD2, along with a spot of spirit elevation for me. :) Might make a little presentation in PMOP after that.

wickr commented 5 years ago

Also are we not having Facets on these pages?

CGillen commented 4 years ago

Updated with link to latest MAC design. Likely changes to wireframe will be minor or none at all.

straleyb commented 3 years ago


shieldsb commented 3 years ago

QA fail.

General Notes:

Collection specific notes: Baseball Centennial - of the four images, one is for an audio file and the icon for it displays incorrectly (see screenshot below) Dan Powell photographs - fuchsia block causes break in collection title line with the # of items text being split onto two lines (see screenshot below) University of Oregon Special Collections Manuscripts and Rare Books - three icons in place of images display incorrectly (centered, too large, overlap) (see screenshot below) Reuniting Finley and Bohlman - the four images are for video files and they overlap each other (see screenshot below) Historical Maps of Oregon State University - third map image has a grey bar under it (see screenshot below)

image image image image image

CGillen commented 3 years ago

Previous QA:

Continued QA:

shieldsb commented 3 years ago

This ticket is close to passing. Just a few items for your review first.

The collection title text is too large and does not match the wireframe (text also looks bolded in the wireframe).

shieldsb commented 3 years ago

QA pass.