Open sseymore opened 2 years ago
@lsat12357 local collection name is ready for remediation. thanks!
@lsat12357 worktype is ready for remediation. Thank you!
@lsat12357 Ready for mass replace: photographer, donor, author, contributor, creator. There is nothing for lyricist, interviewee or composer, so I am removing those from the checklists
Can you please check to make sure that you are using the correct form of the terms? eg, the authors list is using https rather than http for opaquenamespace
@lsat12357 Done
style period and work type are ready for mass remediation. note: for subject, there are 2 spreadsheets in the "ready_for_Linda" google drive folder. 1 is mass replace (replaceURIs_style_period), 2 is mass removal with no replacement (removeURIs_subject).
Also, I'm unchecking tgn, ethnographic term, and military branch in the "Ready for Linda" section above. The spreadsheets for these terms are ones that I was able to correct and finish without needing any additional mass remediation steps (so these terms are complete, with no need for further work on Linda's end). Just unchecking them for the sake of clarity.
Please let me know if you have any questions, thank you!
@lsat12357 repository is ready for mass replace URIs. Thank you.
Edited to remove tgn, ethno term, military branch, recipient, and collector since all corrected by hand. Trying to finish publisher ASAP.
There is actually no mass replacements needed for publisher, so also marked that complete.
re replaceURIs_repository.xlsx I noticed that towards the end, there are a few replacement uris that have special chars in them, for instanceéedArtContemporainMontreal so I tried replacing the é with a regular e, but it still does not resolve. how do you want to proceed? If you want me to run them anyway, I can.
I thought I got them all. I checked again and corrected these:âteauMuséeBoulognaéeLapidaireVienneéedArtContemporainMontreal
I added these to the URIs that need to be created in opns. Sorry about that.
Mass replace URIs by field.
Ready for Linda:
Remediated by Linda: