OrfiTeam / OrpheusDL

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Cannot setup tidal module #11

Closed pdhlnpt closed 2 years ago

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

Hello. I tried to install orpheusdl for my mac. I cannot install orpheusdl. When I run this command pip install -r requirements.txt I got this error: zsh: command not found: pip

I tried to google and tried to install pip on my Mac and my Mac already have pip-22.0.4 How can I move on?

z0rg0n commented 2 years ago

Maybe try pip3 install -r requirements.txt

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

Maybe try pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Hello I can move on with your help but after that when I tried to install tidal module followed the instruction:

Clone the repo inside the folder orpheusdl/modules/
git clone https://github.com/Dniel97/orpheusdl-tidal.git tidal
python orpheus.py

I got a problem with python orpheus.py like this:

File "orpheus.py", line 70
    raise Exception(f'Unknown setting "{modulesetting}" for module "{setting}"')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

How can I move on now? Thanks

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

OrpheusDL does not include any module by default, you have to manually install modules, for example OrpheusDL Qobuz or OrpheusDL Tidal.*

*See #10

sure I know that So that I'm trying to install a tidal module but I got an error after clone the tidal module git. I cannot run the python orpheus.py when installing tidal module.

z0rg0n commented 2 years ago

My bad, I misread your post. Bumpy car ride.

Did you edit the configuration file to add your login info?

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

My bad, I misread your post. Bumpy car ride.

Did you edit the configuration file to add your login info?

Im geting stuck at installing the tidal module ( step python orpheus.py) so that I dont think I have the configuration file to edit my tidal login. :(

z0rg0n commented 2 years ago

Did you run python3 orpheus.py settings refresh from the install instructions here: https://github.com/yarrm80s/orpheusdl?

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

Ofcourse I did it before I tried to install tidal module.

   ____             _                    _____  _      
  / __ \           | |                  |  __ \| |     
 | |  | |_ __ _ __ | |__   ___ _   _ ___| |  | | |     
 | |  | | '__| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ | | / __| |  | | |     
 | |__| | |  | |_) | | | |  __/ |_| \__ \ |__| | |____ 
  \____/|_|  | .__/|_| |_|\___|\__,_|___/_____/|______|
             | |                                       

No modules are installed, quitting
z0rg0n commented 2 years ago

I think you have to do it after installing the modules so the config file has the right fields in it.

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

I tried to follow and finished to step 3 in https://github.com/yarrm80s/orpheusdl and after that I tried to follow and finished the step 1 in https://github.com/Dniel97/orpheusdl-tidal and now Im stuck in step 2. I don't know what I do wrong 🤕

z0rg0n commented 2 years ago

The configuration file is in orpheusdl/config and the name of the file is settings.json. From your description I think the file will be there and at the bottom of it it should have a spot to enter your Tidal login information.

Is the settings.json file there? Is there a place to enter your Tidal login information at the bottom? Did you enter the login information at the bottom?

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

I got only "config" folder in "/Users/**/orpheusdl/orpheusdl" and there is nothing inside "config" folder.

z0rg0n commented 2 years ago

If the config folder is empty then you never got step 3 right in https://github.com/yarrm80s/orpheusdl. This step creates the settings file.

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

If the config folder is empty then you never got step 3 right in https://github.com/yarrm80s/orpheusdl. This step creates the settings file. I already did it before I moved on to install tidal module :(

https://imgur.com/myk66Ah https://imgur.com/2URTniT

z0rg0n commented 2 years ago

It appears you installed orpheusdl twice once in /orpheusdl and once in /orpheusdl/orpheusdl so there could be an issue there with which installation you're running.

The other issue is it looks like the tidal module isn't installed in /modules. Although not as sure about this one without being able to compare it to my installation.

I suggest deleting it all and starting over. Don't create a folder called orpheusdl just run the clone command right in your parent folder. Be sure each command you run you're in the correct folder when you run it. Ie /orpheusdl/modules or /orpheusdl.

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

It appears you installed orpheusdl twice once in /orpheusdl and once in /orpheusdl/orpheusdl so there could be an issue there with which installation you're running.

The other issue is it looks like the tidal module isn't installed in /modules. Although not as sure about this one without being able to compare it to my installation.

I suggest deleting it all and starting over. Don't create a folder called orpheusdl just run the clone command right in your parent folder. Be sure each command you run you're in the correct folder when you run it. Ie /orpheusdl/modules or /orpheusdl.

OK I will delete all folder include orpheusdl in my Mac and retry now. let's see the result

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

I retried and now I stuck at step 3 like this https://imgur.com/1ff25Dk

z0rg0n commented 2 years ago

Not sure why that's not working. The only thing I can think of trying is using pip3 or python instead of pip or python3 but from my (limited) understanding of your terminals output that shouldn't matter.

pdhlnpt commented 2 years ago

Not sure why that's not working. The only thing I can think of trying is using pip3 or python instead of pip or python3 but from my (limited) understanding of your terminals output that shouldn't matter.

Thanks anyway. I will try to find the way to fix it. Thanks

Dniel97 commented 2 years ago

If the config folder is empty then you never got step 3 right in https://github.com/yarrm80s/orpheusdl. This step creates the settings file. I already did it before I moved on to install tidal module :(

https://imgur.com/myk66Ah https://imgur.com/2URTniT

You installed Orpheus in the first Orpheus folder. As @z0rg0n already said you have to use pip3 and python3 on macOS and you should have one orpheusdl/ folder with a subfolder orpeusdl/modules/ where you install all your modules, so you should have orpheusdl/modules/tidal/ for example.

Dniel97 commented 2 years ago

No update, closing.