Org-FoodService / FoodServiceAPI

FoodService is a .NET 8.0-based service, optimizing snack bar operations through menu management, inventory tracking, and potential delivery integration. With Docker and SQLServer dependencies, it streamlines processes for snack bar owners, enhancing efficiency and customer experience.
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Implementation of Orders, Order Items, and Table Association in FoodServiceAPI #14

Open Rafael-Oliveira-Gomes opened 2 months ago

Rafael-Oliveira-Gomes commented 2 months ago


As developers of FoodServiceAPI, we recognize the crucial need to allow restaurants to process orders efficiently and associate those orders with corresponding tables. Our mission is to implement this functionality robustly and scalably, ensuring a seamless experience for end users.

  1. Requirements Analysis:

    • Analyze system requirements to understand the needs of restaurants regarding orders, order items, and association with tables.
    • Identify the necessary endpoints to create, view, and manage orders and order items, as well as to associate them with tables.
  2. API Design:

    • Design the API endpoints according to RESTful best practices, ensuring an intuitive and user-friendly interface for client developers.
    • Define the necessary data models to represent orders, order items, tables, and their relationships.
  3. Business Logic Implementation:

    • Develop the business logic to create orders, associate them with tables, manage their lifecycle, and handle order items.
    • Implement appropriate validations to ensure that orders and order items are processed correctly and associated with the correct tables.
  4. Database Integration:

    • Utilize Entity Framework Core to map the data models to MySQL database tables.
    • Implement read and write operations to persist orders, order items, table-related information, and user data in the database.