Org-FoodService / FoodServiceAPI

FoodService is a .NET 8.0-based service, optimizing snack bar operations through menu management, inventory tracking, and potential delivery integration. With Docker and SQLServer dependencies, it streamlines processes for snack bar owners, enhancing efficiency and customer experience.
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[API] Develop an Order History Page for User #17

Open NicolasBuscarini opened 1 month ago

NicolasBuscarini commented 1 month ago

Business and Technical Story

Title: Develop an Order History Page for User

Description: As a restaurant customer, I want to access a page where I can view my order history, so that I can keep track of my past orders and reorder easily if needed.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The order history page should display a list of all past orders made by the customer.
  2. Each order entry should include:
    • Order ID
    • Order date and time
    • List of items ordered (with quantities and prices)
    • Total order amount
    • Order status (e.g., completed, pending, canceled)
  3. The customer should be able to click on an order to view detailed information about it.
  4. The page should allow the customer to filter and sort orders by date, status, and total amount.

Technical Story

Title: Implement Backend and Frontend for Order History Page

Description: Develop the functionality for the order history page in the FoodService system, including necessary backend changes to retrieve order history and frontend changes for the user interface.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Backend:
    • Create or Update API endpoints to fetch order history data for a logged-in customer.
    • Ensure the data includes all necessary details (order ID, date, items, total amount, status).
    • Implement sorting and filtering logic for order data.


  1. Backend:
    • [ ] Create API endpoints to retrieve order history for a customer.
    • [ ] Ensure the API returns comprehensive order details, including items, prices, dates, and statuses.
    • [ ] Implement logic for sorting and filtering orders based on date, status, and total amount.
    • [ ] Test API endpoints to ensure correct functionality and data retrieval.

Business Value:

Developing an order history page will enhance the customer experience by allowing users to easily track and review their past orders. This feature provides convenience for customers who want to reorder their favorite items and helps build trust by offering transparency in their order history. It also supports better customer service by enabling users to reference past orders when resolving any issues. Ultimately, this feature contributes to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, encouraging repeat business.

yogendrasgautam commented 3 weeks ago

@NicolasBuscarini can I start working on it?

NicolasBuscarini commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, sure

yogendrasgautam commented 2 weeks ago

@NicolasBuscarini Is main branch up to date, I see below erros on build image

NicolasBuscarini commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, the main branch is not fully functional at the moment as I am migrating the database to SQL Server. Please refer to the develop branch, as the build is functional there. However, we are already using SQL Server in this branch. If you need assistance, we have this link in the wiki to help with the installation:

NicolasBuscarini commented 2 weeks ago

I am still considering a way to allow the choice between MySQL or SQL Server, depending on the developer's preference. You can see why I made this migration here: