Org-FoodService / FoodServiceAPI

FoodService is a .NET 8.0-based service, optimizing snack bar operations through menu management, inventory tracking, and potential delivery integration. With Docker and SQLServer dependencies, it streamlines processes for snack bar owners, enhancing efficiency and customer experience.
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Add Roles to SsoDto #19

Closed NicolasBuscarini closed 1 month ago

NicolasBuscarini commented 1 month ago

Technical Story

Title: Add Roles to SsoDto

Description: Enhance the Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality by adding roles to the SsoDto data transfer object. This will allow the application to manage user roles more effectively, enabling role-based access control and ensuring that users have appropriate permissions based on their roles.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The SsoDto should include a new property to store roles.
  2. The roles property should be a collection (e.g., list or array) to support multiple roles for a single user.
  3. Update the SSO service to include role information when creating and returning SsoDto objects.
  4. Ensure that role information is correctly populated and validated during the SSO process.
  5. Update any relevant documentation and tests to reflect the changes.


  1. Design:

    • [x] Determine the structure and type for the roles property in the SsoDto.
  2. Backend Development:

    • [x] Add the roles property to the SsoDto class:
    • [x] Update the SSO service to populate the roles property:
    • [x] Ensure that role information is correctly validated during the SSO process:

Business Value:

Adding roles to the SsoDto will enhance the application's ability to manage user permissions and access control. This will enable more granular and secure role-based access management, ensuring that users can only access the features and data appropriate to their roles. This improvement will contribute to a more secure and well-organized system, supporting the diverse needs of different user groups within the FoodService platform.