Organic-Basics / ob-low-impact-website

The Low Impact version of the Organic Basics website
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Separately publish the Low Impact Manifesto #18

Open aschrijver opened 4 years ago

aschrijver commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your great approach to low-energy website design. As facilitator of Humane Tech Community I posted to our forum and on LinkedIn.

I maintain awesome-humane-tech and am thinking of adding a separate category for tech-related sustainability solutions. If the Low Impact Manifesto were separately defined (and maybe even have a separate github repo to showcase the techniques, not mixed in with the webshop itself) it would be a candidate for inclusion.

Apart from that my suggestion is to add github topics to the repository for findability and to attract more people to it.

ada-ada-ada-art commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions, @aschrijver !

Great to hear that you'd consider adding our little pet project to such a comprehensive list of great tech work. Lots of inspiration for the tech team at Organic Basics on there 😍

I've added some Github topics now, as per your suggestion. If you have any obvious topics that I've missed, let me know! I'll keep this issue open until we find the time to separately publish the Low Impact Manifesto.

Thanks again for your kind words 🌳