Organice / django-organice

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project is not running via apache #4

Closed nishadsalam closed 10 years ago

nishadsalam commented 10 years ago

I have installed organice and I am able to set it up. When I try to run the it via apache using wsgi getting the internal server error. Even I use the debug mode the error stays same and I am not able to find the error. There is nothing on the log even after I enabled the debug mode in the apache. I am using. apache, mod_wsgi with virtualenv . is there any way to debug it. The site.wsgi is given below. I have using the same but when it comes to organice its showing the error. I need some one's help to resolve this issue '#'!/home/organice/virtual/bin/python import os import sys sys.stdout = sys.stderr sys.path.append('/home/organice') sys.path.append('/home/organice/virtual') sys.path.append('/home/organice/virtual/bin') sys.path.append('/home/organice/organice') from django.conf import settings os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "organice.project.develop" os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/home/organice/.python-eggs'

bittner commented 10 years ago

Oooops, can you please reformat your issue text? (lines starting with # will be formatted as huge headers; indent them with 4 spaces, or enclose them in a block starting with ``` (3 backticks) and another line ending with the same 3 characters, please!) -- Thank you. I need to be able to read your comment in order to help you.

Have you been able to get any other Django project running on Apache before? Note that organice-setup leaves the default Django wsgi setup unchanged.

What version of Django are you running? For version 1.6 the official WSGI how-to on should contain everything to get you started.

nishadsalam commented 10 years ago


I am able to run. As the organice is running via runserver option without any issues I am facing issues when I am moving to apache wsgi setup . I have installed django-1.5.8

bittner commented 10 years ago

@nishadsalam, thanks for editing the comment above.

It looks like an Apache configuration problem to me. Have you been able to run any other Django project with Apache WSGI? - For Django 1.5.8, please follow the official Django WSGI howto . Error messages, if any, are likely to be found in the Apache error log files, probably /var/log/apache2/error_log or the like (see your Apache configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/... or so).

django Organice should run out of the box as soon as you get Apache WSGI running. I remember it took me some time to make WSGI fly on my very first Django project, some years ago. (It's all about Apache though, it's not Django's fault! :smiley:)

bittner commented 10 years ago

@nishadsalam, did you manage to make django Organice run on your Apache? Is there anything else I can do to support you?

bittner commented 10 years ago

Closing this issue due to lack of activity. Please re-open if needed!